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Q: Is it safe to drink danone actimel drinks while pregnant?
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What does a pregnant person must not drink?

Alcohol, energy drinks, anything out of date,

Is it accectable to drink soft drinks while pregnant?

Soft drinks leach the calcium from you bones. If you are pregnant, I suggest you use them more as a treat than an everyday thing.

What happens to the baby if you are one week pregnant and you drink energy drinks?

Energy drinks from reputed brands are most probably safe for your baby.

What protects the baby from any alcohol a woman drinks when pregnant?

nothing. babies can't be protected from alcohol that the mother drinks while pregnant, that's why doctors tell pregnant woman that they should not drink alcohol.


Sort of. Try drinking Actimel or eating grapes .

Do you have to pop you carry to get pregnanit?

You do not have to carry pop to get pregnant. You can drink water or other nutritious drinks to prepare.

What drinks can cause a miscarage?

You can drink and live normally when pregnant unless the doctor tells you otherwise.

What kind of drinks do Brazilians drink?

brazilians drink loads of different types of drinks but they drink alot of alcohol

What drinks have niacin?

Drinks that have niacin are coffee, Monster energy drink, Red Bull energy drink, Rockstar energy drink, tea, and powdered chocolate drinks.

Can Buddhists drink fizzy drinks?

Yes Buddhists can drink carbonated drinks in fact the love them!!