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No, I don't think its that safe because its been so long and you might be ill if you do drink it

But if you do have a diet Pepsi can in your house for over 4 years and you want to drink it then you should probably look out for these and if it is one or all of these things you should not drink it at all:

1. It smells gross or different than it should smells like

2. The colour has changed so for example it has changed from black to grey or green

3. There's fungus all over it! It can be outside the can or inside I'm not so sure

That's it if it doesn't have any of those things then I guess its safe to drink

But remember you should really ask your parents before you drink it, but I seriously wouldn't!

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Q: Is it safe to drink diet pepsi from a can that is over 4 years old?
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How old do you have to be to drink diet Pepsi?

Pretty much any normalliquid-drinking personcan drink diet Pepsi. Of course, breastfeeding infants should obviously not and really, no one benefits from diet Pepsi given that the acidity can wear away tooth enamel. But there's no law or serious risk of complications that would prevent anyone of some age from drinking Pepsi, assuming they can drink other liquids just fine. Noting that the effect of caffeine in a can of Pepsi will be much greater on those of smaller size, most parents would want to strongly limit consumption of caffeinated soft drinks, especially around the bedtime hours.

Which soft drink occasionaly features polar bears in advertisements?

Both Coca Cola and Pepsi have used polar bears in their commercials over the years.

What dissolves eggs faster regular Pepsi or diet Pepsi?

Neither... Mtdew. It can turn a human finger to liquid over a long enoph period of time

What are the different types of Pepsi beverages?

pepsi, pepsi wild cherry, pepsi vanilla, pepsi cherry vanilla, pepsi throwback, pepsi diet, diet pepsi cherry, diet pepsi cherry vanilla, diet pepsi vanilla, and pepsi max are some types of pepsi drinks

Top 10 of cola brands in the world?

Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, Sprite, Diet Pepsi, Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Dr Pepper, Fanta

What age group does Pepsi target?

The drink was first made in the 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903. There have been many Pepsi variants produced over the years since 1898.

What is Pepsi motto?

Coke's current slogan is 'Open Happiness". Coke has had many different slogans over the years. Coke sales are down for 2014.

How many people drink pepsi each day?

There is alot of people, in fact lots of people change their routine so we never know

Why is Pepsi better than coke?

Pepsi isn't better than Coca Cola, coke taste better and pepsi is okay. pepsi is healthier but coke is the one that is better tasting. coke was made in the year 1885, (so was dr pepper) and pepsi was born 1889. so my opinion is.....coke oh and by the way the new coke bottles are cool. coke fact: coke is santas favorite drink! pepsi fact: pepsi has has had over 10 logos! AND coke is just way awesomer.... :)

What diet soda is made with stevia?

Not a lot of diet sodas use Splenda. If I am correct, I would say none do other than diet coke with splenda and pepsi one. Diet soda usually uses something called aspartame and can cause headaches and brain cancer over a very long period of use. Also, If you're looking to lose weight by drinking diet soda, I wouldn't unless you're limiting what you eat, other wise the lack of real sugar will cause you to eat different fatty foods.

What is alcohol problem?

Many people drink and dont have a problem, BUT the problem comes when it takes over thier life. They have to have a drink beofre going home to loved ones, or they have to have a drink before bed . Many drinkers argue they are fine and they just need a drink to relax, that is where the problem is, they justify the problem, they can't just have a Pepsi, they have tp drink alchol

When was Mountain Dew taken over by Pepsi?

Mountain Dew has always been a Pepsi company product.