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Q: Is it safe to drink non distilled alcohol?
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No, as it is reacts with atmospheric chemicals

Is it safe to drink NA beer and drive?

Non-Alcoholic Beer HAS ALCOHOL IN IT. So, whether you are safe to drive depends on how many you drink and how high your blood alcohol level gets. Since the alcohol content in the beer is lower, it will take longer, but not all that much longer. You can still become impaired.

If you drink non alcohol drink you get pain in your back why?

yes cuz you suck

Do gansters drink alcohol?

Yes and so do non-gangsters.

Can you drink non alcoholic beer while taking?

No. root beer will just give u a sugar rush lol. :D Root Beer is a soft drink. Non-Alcoholic beer has most of the alcohol removed but not all. There is still enough alcohol left in so that if you drink enough of them, you will get drunk.

What is the point in non alcoholic alcohol?

Maybe you like the taste, but can't drink alcohol. (underage, pregnant)

What is the legal age to drink in Turkey?

The legal drinking age is 18. The age is mostly not enforced, especially not for tourists. Since August 2013 some stricter alcohol laws have been introduced. You may now find "Warnings" on bottles or containers with alcohol. Consumption of alcohol nearby schools or mosks (in public) is illegal.

Is egg nog safe for kids?

Yes, the non alcohol version.

What does not hindus do during Diwali?

Hindus do not eat non vegetarian. They do not drink alcohol.

What is technology behind the foaming of a non alcoholic malt drink?

the answer is just dont put alcohol in the drink stupid

Are non zinccopper tumblers safe to drink from?

Yeah man they are safe they contain zinc and copper ennit.

What do you call Someone who does not drink alcohol?

non - achoholic jeez not very smart are u?? And the term meaning you are not drunk: sober no - a non-alcoholic (not achoholic) is someone who does not suffer from alcoholism; a disease where the body is dependent on alcohol. One can drink yet not be a alcoholic. One term for someone who abstains from drinking any alcohol is a teetotaller. Further, sober means many things besides "not drunk", and you can be neither drunk nor sober.