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Q: Is it safe to eat dead crabs before they were refrigerated example on a fishing boat and you have dead loss Is it safe?
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Related questions

Where might you find a person who harvests crabs or oysters?

A person who harvests crabs or oysters is a fisherman, you would normally find them at work on a fishing boat.

How do you use crabs in a sentence?

Example sentence - We bought little crabs to put in our aquarium.

How long is the average snow crab fishing season?

The average snow crab fishing season is from April to August. The best quality snow crabs come from the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

How did colonial fishermen fish?

Fishing has always been around and even in colonial America there was fishing.

Do earthworms have exoskeletons?

No, the don't. For example, crabs have exoskeletons.

Can crabs crabs crabs crabs be hunted by any other creature hunted by any other creature?

yes for example, if a bird eats a crab then the bird can be eaten by another animal, its like a foodchain

How much xp do rock crabs give in runescape?

rock crabs have a total of 50 hp, so you get 4 xp for each damage point. 4x50=200. so rock crabs are 200xp

What kind of animals live in the Bering sea?

Crabs is one example

How old do horseshoe crabs have to be before they can reproduce?

they have to be about 10-20.

What are Maryland's industry's?

the are farming: corn, soybeans, tobacco, poultry and dairy products, mining: coal, steel products, communications equipment, fishing: crabs and oysters,

What is destroying horseshoe crabs habitat?

Humans are destroying the horseshoe crabs habitat. We cut things down (trees for example) for our own selfish needs (no offense). After that we build things witch kills animals including the horseshoe crabs.

What are the example of crustacean?

Crustaceans are hard shelled creatures-ie. crayfish,crabs etc :)