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Why wouldn't you be able to? Although they're high in sodium so eat them in moderation as with everything else. Kind of a rhetorical question...

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Q: Is it safe to eat spitz sunflower seeds while your pregnant?
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Is it ok to eat seeds while pregnant?

What kind of seeds are you talking about? Pumpkin, sunflower? YES, they are perfectly safe to eat.

What is the main difference between the sunflower plant and rose plant?

chicken nuggets are good

Do larger sunflower heads produce larger sunflower seeds?

Not necessarily. While a smaller than average head will definitely have smaller seeds, a larger than average head will simply have more seeds of the typical size. There is an upper limit on how large sunflower seeds can be (the limit depends on the breed of sunflower).

What do baseball plays eat while they are bating?

Some chew gum, tobacco and sunflower seeds.

Can you eat pumpkin seeds while pregnant?


How do you make salted roasted sunflower seeds?

Heat raw sunflower seeds in a non stick skillet on medium high heat. Be very careful as they will roast quickly once they start. Spray lightly with vegetable oil like Pam and add sea salt while hot Pour these hot seeds out on a cookie sheet to cool, do not try to cool in the hot pan as they will burn as the sunflower oil is released by the heat.

Why do baseballers eat sunflower seeds?

Baseball players used to chew tobacco all the time, and now they are trying to break that. They still want to do something with their mouth though, so they chew bubblegum and eat sunflower seeds.

Can you have poppy seed chicken while pregnant?

Yes, there isn't enough opium in poppy seeds to do anything. I've been pregnant twice.

Can parakeets eat a hamster food like sunflower seeds?

They should not eat salted sunflower seeds, the salt is toxic and can kill them. Either buy unsalted seeds or wash them with warm water for a while . Parakeets are very small so too much salt could add up quickly in them, and too many sunflower seeds may be to much fat as well. Just try a couple unsalted.

What eats a sun flower?

Many birds such as goldfinches, wrens, sparrows enjoy the seeds of sunflowers while the plant is flowering. Deer will eat the leaves on sunflower plants.

My friend is coming over and we are both 13 year old girls and there is no good movies out what should go and do instead?

Im 13 too and a girl .. my friend and I like to get 8 bags of sunflower seeds and horror films while eating the sunflower seeds... we also like to watch credits of movies and make fun of last names :) We're dorks

Diffrerences between the water hyacinth to a sunflower?

The water hyacinth's roots are in water, while the sunflower's roots are in soil. The Water hyacinth's leaf stalks are swollen and contains air, while the sun flower's leaf stalks are different in shape