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NO!! omg no that's a horrible thing to do. Your offspring might have a serious birth defect or some kind of health related issue. Please no.

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Q: Is it safe to have a baby if you have enzymes in your liver?
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Related questions

Can heat exhaustion cause elevated liver enzymes?

No, dehydration cannot cause elevated liver enzymes. Vitamin deficiency and damage to liver can cause the enzymes of the liver to be elevated.

Why would an infant's liver enzyme's be elevated?

There are several things that could be causing your baby's liver enzymes to be elevated. Some of these things include Hepatitis A, B, or C, liver disease, and heart failure.

Is 90 a high count for liver enzymes?

is a elevated count of 90 high for liver enzymes

What are the purpose of liver enzymes?

Liver enzymes are proteins produced by the liver to help perform various functions in the body. They play a key role in metabolism, detoxification, and digestion. Monitoring these enzymes through blood tests can help assess liver function and diagnose liver diseases.

What can be cause liver enzymes and alkaline levels to be off?

"Off" liver enzymes and alkaline levels indicate an abnormality with the liver. This may be caused by diet.

Can hep a or b vaccines cause elevated liver enzymes?

Can Hepatitis B vaccine elevate liver enzymes

What does boiling do to the enzymes in the liver?

Boiling denatures (destroys ) enzymes .

What is your liver enzymes supposed to be?

Your Liver is supposed to be 36 and under.

High liver counts?

Elevated liver enzymes may indicate inflammation or cell damage in the liver. Inflamed or injured liver cells leak higher than normal amounts of liver enzymes into the bloodstream.

Does liver contain enyzme?

Yes, one of the enzymes in the liver is catalase.

What does it mean to have high liver enzymes?

High levels of liver enzymes can indicate damage or inflammation of the liver. Causes include hepititis, obesity, fatty liver disease or even a problem caused by certain medications.

What causes elevated liver enzymes during pregnancy?

HELLP syndrome is a condition during pregnancy that includes elevated liver enzymes.