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Q: Is it safe to recook undercooked grilled salmon?
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Is it safe to recook undercooked chicken?

You won't start puking, but you'll spend a lot of time in the bathroom if you know what I mean.

What is the term term applied to foods that have not been heated to a safe temperature?

Undercooked describes foods that have not been heated to a safe temperature.

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It is safe to eat if it does not contain uncooked/undercooked eggs (whites or yolks) and has not gone bad/stale/off.

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Undercooked pasta... assuming you mean the dried sort... is already fully cooked; it just needs to be heated and rehydrated. It's perfectly safe to eat right out of the box. Dogs in general have digestive systems that are pretty good at dealing with undercooked or raw food, because they're not very good cooks.

Should you recook undercooked chicken?

You should NOT "recook" any meat that was first undercooked. People may not like this answer, since meat does cost money. But there are very good reasons to throw out undercooked meat and refuse to eat it. Meats require certain temperatures to kill bacteria and parasites (worms and worm eggs), which ALL meat contains. They also need the high cooking temperature combined with cooking or baking time to adequately kill bacteria or parasites. So as an example (using made up numbers), if you should cook something at 250 degrees F for at least 30 minutes, but the inside of the meat never gets above 200 degrees F and you only cooked it for 15 minutes, you cannot guarantee you killed the bacteria, worms, or worm eggs.Even worse on the issue of undercooked meat, bacteria's main job is to survive and multiply---period (same with worms). In the process of multiplying, bacteria make their own wastes in the form of proteins (which can make humans sick). As soon as food is (a) taken away from heat, for cooked foods or (b) removed from cold if food must be kept cold, bacteria immediately begin or resume their main job. Meat removed from heat immediately begins to cool. Bacteria begin to multiply. By the time you decide it is not cooked "enough", you are starting to "recook" a piece of meat that is more laden with 'new' bacteria cells. Therefore, it is never safe to recook previously undercooked meat, unless you want food poisoning.Food poisoning affects the digestive system. You can have nausea and vomiting (proteins from bacteria upset human stomachs), fluid shifts in the intestines leading to diarrhea, and fever because energy and heat are generated as your cells work to "fight" the bacteria. You can become so sick from those 3 symptoms that the body can become dehydrated, so you're less able to fight the infection. The bacteria still have a single goal: survive and multiply. So while you feel awful, the bacterial colony continues to grow, except now it's in your body rather than in the meat you should have thrown away. Children and elderly or anyone who already is ill or immune compromised can end up in the hospital from food poisoning.

Is it safe to eat salmon if you are pregnant?

hey syd why do you wanna know? yes its good to eat salmon its healthy,only if its fresh

Can you eat salmon cold 1 day after cooking?

Yes, it is safe to eat cold salmon for 3 or 4 days after cooking.

Is it safe to eat wild pacific salmon?

Yes it can be vary nutritional if smoked.

Is it safe to eat Alaskan salmon one day after the expiry date on the package?


Is it safe to eat Atlantic salmon every day?

It probably is safe, as eating fish every day, in moderate portions shouldn't do a person any harm. There are people who do eat salmon every day, and it doesn't harm them.

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I would stay away from eating mice unless deep fried or grilled.