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Q: Is it safe to take Ginkgo Biloba with losaratan?
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Can you take gingo biloba and clonazepam 1 at day the other at night?

The administration of ginkgo biloba with clonazepam reduce the anticonvulsive effects of benzodiazepines. this is due to a neurotoxin. methyl pyridoxine found on the ginkgo biloba seeds will provoke is not recommended the used of ginkgo biloba on patiens with epilepsy who are taking a medication that contains benzodiazepine like clonazepam.

What are the benefits of gingko biloba?

A dioecious tree, commonly known as the maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba), that is native to China and is cultivated as a shade tree, it is the only surviving species of the class Ginkgoatae and is considered a living fossil. Also known as gingko tree.

Is it safe to take Zoloft with Ginkgo Biolba?

It is safe to take Ginkgo Biloba with Zoloft. The typical dose of ginkgo is 60 to 120 mg twice a day. The best-studied form of ginkgo is a special extract called EGb761. In the United States, Ginkoba and Ginkgold (Nature's Way) are brands that have been compounded to reflect EGb 761.Some people use Ginkgo Biloba to counter possible sexual side effects, including impotence. In three men and two women treated with Prozac and Zoloft, for depression who experienced sexual dysfunction, addition of Ginkgo Biloba extract (GBE) in the amount of 240 per day effectively reversed the sexual dysfunction. (source: J Sex Educ Ther 1991;17:53-61.)I have personally taken Zoloft and 120 mg of Ginkgold twice a day for over three years now, and have no sexual side effects (or other side effects) from the medication, or the combination of the herb with Zoloft.When taking Ginkgo, there is a small risk of bleeding in the body, and the dosages of other blood-thinning agents being taken may sometimes have to be reduced.

5-HTP and ginkgo together?

can we take ginkgo and 5htp together

What type of seeds take 1year to germinate?

There are several types of seeds that can take up to a year to germinate. Some examples include ginkgo biloba, which can take anywhere from 1 to 3 years to germinate, and sweet cherries, which can also take up to a year. The germination time can vary depending on the seed's species, environmental conditions, and dormancy mechanisms.

How many tablets a 62 years old man to take gingko biloba?

Is it advisable to take medicine like Gingko Biloba with memory loss at the age of 62 years old

Can you take st john's wart and ginkgo together?


How long does it take for a ginkgo seed to sprout?

I planted ginko seeds and it took about two months.

What are ginkgoes?

first of all its call a ginkgo tree and ginkoes is plural. it is a tree that cam e from japan and is called a living fossil. it had pollen cones and yellow fruit that smell like rotting flesh. The leaves are a light green and look like fans. it drops its leaves all in one day. its scientific name is the ginkgo biloba. it can also be used as medicene, but eat too much of the leaves and it will act as poison, the leaves are similar to poison ivy. also, it is a vascular plant that grows about a 100ft . It is similar to cyads and ferns and has been around since the age of the dinosaurs

Herbal medicine to improve brain function?

Gingko Biloba, and Bacopa. However, before you take these, do research on them as some people should not take these. One example(but not the only one), do not Gingko if you take blood thinners.

What herbal remedies are effective in treating migraines?

Ginkgo and feverfew are excellent herbs to cure migraine. However pregnant women should not take these herbs.

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