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Yes, however there are a few side affects that need attention. These include but are not limited to:

  • Excessive Tiredness
  • Stomach Pain
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Trouble Breathing or Swallowing

The side affects that don't need attention unless they are severe or don't go away are:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Drowsiness

I recommend Wal-Zyr which is Zyrtec only cheaper.

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Q: Is it safe to take Zyrtec every day?
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I would ask your doctor. :)

Can you take Prednisone and Zyrtec D?

You can. Remember that the Medrol is very harsh on the stomach. Have some food before you take each dose! The Zyrtec-D will make you feel jittery or nervous, and sometimes the steroid might also cause some jitteriness.

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I am assuming you are on the pill that is supposed to be taken every day. You should really make a serious effort to not only take them every day, but also take them at the same time every day. If you forget as soon as you remember take it and just to be safe use a second form of protection.

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Well I guess it better because you don't have to take pills every day or forget to take them...well with the shot itz 99.9% because itz safe and it won't get you pregnant

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It probably is safe, as eating fish every day, in moderate portions shouldn't do a person any harm. There are people who do eat salmon every day, and it doesn't harm them.

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It depends for which person.... but if it's prescribed and that the patient's file has been reviewed by the doctor and the pharmacist, 100 mg of atenolol every day is a safe dose.

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No, it can damage your hair.

Can you mix Aleve and Zyrtec?

Usually, yes, with no problem, and you can drive, too. However, I found if I downed aleve & Zyrtec all at once/together, I became really drowsy/fatigued. This only happened today, and I fell asleep for approx. 3 hours from 11:45am-2:52pm. If you take zyrtec (or aleve...1-2 pills for aleve, 1 for ALL day for zyrtec), space one of them apart. For instance, take the zyrtec (or aleve) first, wait 1-2+ hours, then take the aleve (or zyrtec). Spacing it out a bit leaves no reaction, at least in my experience. (also I am 25/Female, if that makes any difference...I take them both due to allergic reactions to bug bites/mosquito bites, & headaches/muscle aches).

Is mixing Valium and Zoloft safe?

I take Valium three times a day and 200 mg of Zoloft every evening. Prescribed by a doctor, of course.

Can you take Zyrtec and Benadryl in same day?

I asked my doctor this same question. She says it's not advisable, but if your Allergies are very bad, you can take Zyrtec in the morning, and then Benadryl before bed. Zyrtec makes some people drowsy (although not me) and Benadryl makes most people drowsy, so mixing them can put you to sleep. Zyrtec dries out your system, as well, so drink extra water. Don't do this too often. Too much antihistamine can be bad for you, but doing this occasionally is okay.

If you take one extra active birth control pill at the end of your three weeks of active pills so 22 days total will it delay your period by one day Is this safe to do?

no it isn't safe to do. It could make you sick. Only take one every day. Even if you took two on the same day it wouldn't delay your period.