

Is it safe to use neosporin in the ear canal?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is it safe to use neosporin in the ear canal?
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Can you use neosporin in the entry of the ear canal?

It is safe to use neosporin in the entry of the ear canal, because the ear is lined with skin. Most MD's would rather you use an antibiotic. If you are a chronic q-tip user, you should lay off and let your natural ear wax build up to protect the inner ear and help drain water, that's what it's there for. Recommended or not, it is safe to use neosporin. However, be careful not to put it too far into the ear.

Can you use peroxide in drops to clean ear canal?

yes, it is safe to use peroxide. but in my opinion i wouldn't use it if you have an ear infection.

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Yes Neosporin is safe to use on a dog's ruptured anal sac. You can also use baby wipes to wipe the dog's butt or any medication that the vet prescribes.

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The Panama Canal is an important waterway that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Can you use Neosporin on your puppy's paw if he has a cut?

Neosporin is safe to use in dogs in small amounts, rubbed in well for small scrapes and scratches, but it would be recommended if the cut does not heal by it's self, to take him to the vet.

What is the difference between neosporin and triple antibiotic cream?

Nothing honestly, triple antibiotic cream is just a cheap for of neosporin. You can use either of them if you'd like, they both are safe and effective.

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Is neosporin safe for tattoo healing?

no it isn't cuz if u use it then it will probably affect it really bad and it will sting

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Earache in babies is associated with many reasons and one of them is injury to the ear canal from cotton buds or other objects. So you must be careful. If the crying persists take her to the doctor.

Can i use neosporin on my recent ear piercing?

I would recommend you don't use Neosporin, Polysporin or anything like that on a ear piercing. Soap and water will do just fine. These products are not to be used on puncture wounds (read the tube). If the piercing is infected washing with diluted antibacterial soap and irrigating with water twice a day will make a big difference in about 24 to 48 hours.

Are ear drops safe to use to remove ear wax?

Ear Suction is the safest and most comfortable method of ear wax removal throughout Auckland; no liquids are used during the procedure which means that there is no mess during the procedure. Hearing Aid Batteries in Auckland, The fact that we can clearly see the ear canal and more importantly exactly what we are doing makes it an exceptionally safe procedure.

What is the specialist in ear?

Ear wax, or cerumen, is an herbal substance produced by way of the ear to defend and lubricate the ear canal. However, in some cases, this wax can construct up and end up impacted, main to signs such as listening to loss, earache, tinnitus, and dizziness. Traditional techniques of ear wax removal, such as ear syringing, contain flushing the ear with water. Ear Suction Specialist in Auckland ,Ear suction, on the different hand, is a extra superior and particular approach that makes use of a specialized vacuum gadget to gently extract the wax from the ear canal.