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Most prescription deodorants are made with aluminum chloride. You will have a lot better luck researching your question if you use "pregnant" & "aluminum chloride" in search engines.

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12y ago

Yes, clinical strength deodorant can be used safely during pregnancy.

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Q: Is it safe to use prescription strength deodorant while pregnant?
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I eat shower and bath deodorant body powder with baking soda and cornstarch and im pregnant will it hurt the baby?

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Yes! there are reasons you need a prescription for there pills, and they shouldn't ever be such an addiction that you need to take them while you are pregnant. No damages were ever proven to be done to your child, however, the state takes away babys that have adicts as moms...this includes babys who are born on narcotic pain releavers, without a prescription.

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Deodorant is targeted to stops your underarms from smelling, whereas perfume adds to your overall scent. Antiperspirant is designed to stop you from sweating and smelling from the sweat and may contain some deodorant as well.

Do Deodorant use affect lymph nodes?

The use of deodorant should not affect lymph nodes. Deodorant is applied on the skin. Lymph stays inside the body in the lymph system. While a very small amount of deodorant could enter the body through the pores, it is miniscule and not enough to affect the lymph nodes.

What should you not do while you are pregnant?

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Can elbows go on the back while pregnant?

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No. She is all ready pregnant.

Is it normal to have your full period when pregnant?

No it is not normal to have your period while pregnant. I have heard of some small spotting while pregnant but if you have your full period while you think you are pregnant, you thought wrong. You would not be pregnant.

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You don't get a period while you're pregnant