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Large doses of vitamin C or D are both dangerous. Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements.

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Q: Is it safer to take large doses of vitamin c than vitamin d?
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Should you take vitamin C before or after meal?

After, because relatively large doses of vitamin C may cause indigestion, particularly when taken on an empty stomach.

What should you take to take Vitamin A?

Vitamin A in too high of doses can cause birth defects so the amount you get in your daily diet and your prenatal vitamin should be enough.

Can you take Strattera with multi vitamins?

According to drug data on Strattera, there is no problem taking standard vitamin supplements with this drug. If you want to take large doses or to take other types of supplements, check with your doctor first.

What nutrient would a person with night blindness need?

Vitamin A, which would usually be taken in the form of Beta Carotene its precursor (which is safer to take than Vitamin A itself).

How much vitamin d do you need with a vitamin d defiecentcy?

10,000 IU or go to a physician and if your vitamin D level is low, he/she can give you prescription doses at 50,000 IU per pill which you take weekly for roughly 3 months. Afterward you get your levels checked to see where you fall. Be very careful taking doses higher than 5,000 IU daily if you don't know your current vitamin D status.

What vitamin excess use is dangerous to health?

Excess of vitamin intake or vitamin overdose is called hypervitaminosis. It is a condition of high storage levels of vitamin, which can lead to toxicity.Hypervitaminosis A is an excess of vitamin A, Similarly Hypervitaminosis C an excess of vitamin C, and so on.High or toxic levels of vitamins occur when you have high supplement intake and when you do not take from dietary sources.

What are the effects of individual vitamins and minerals when taking warfarin?

Nothing unless you take MASSIVE doses of vitamin K which is the antidote for warfarin poisoning and will negate its effect.

What can you take to counteract stimulant effects of Ritalin I've heard large doses of Vitamin C helps?

No vitamin C does not work directly, because Methylphenidate's chemical structure does not interact with the serotonin receptors of the brain like amphetamine based stimulants do, but rather interact with the dopamine receptors directly. But, if the pill was swallowed then Vitamin C will break it down faster, which will not counteract the effects, but rather increase the intensity of the effects, but shorten the length of time the effects will take place. Truthfully there is no counteracting vitamin that I am aware of you can take. B12 and Potassium(Bananas, mangos, Blueberries), Vitamin C and plenty of water will cause the body to break it down faster, but that is all.

Blood take too long to clot...... i need to know what can i eat to help my blood to clot the normal way?

Calcium is necessary for the normal blood clotting mechanisms that begin the process of wound healing. Good sources of calcium include dairy products, such as low fat and non fat milk, low fat cheese and lowfat yogurt are good dietary sources of calcium. Vitamin D fortified milk is the only reliable dietary source of vitamin D, a nutrient essential for calcium absorption. Vitamin K: The primary function of vitamin K is to regulate normal blood clotting. The vitamin is important for the production of prothrombin, a protein essential for blood coagulation. Vitamin K is found in green or leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, turnip greens, romaine lettuce and cabbage. Cheese, egg yolk, and liver contain small amounts of the vitamin. large doses of vitamin K can be toxic and supplements of this are available through prescription only. Large doses of vitamin E might interfere with the blood clotting functions of vitamin K. Deficiency in vitamin K is rare except in newborn infants, the vitamin is synthesized by microorganisms in the mature intestinal tract, but the establishment of bacteria takes days to weeks for newborns. There are also medications that affect the vitamin K absorption such as coumarin, warfarin,heparin, and salicylates. Liver disease and and malabsorption syndroem would also affect vitamin K absorption. these conditions require therepeutic doses from a physician to control.

Can you take hair vitamins while pregnant?

One is not supposed to take these vitamins while breastfeeding because some of them are made with too much vitamin b and e, which in large doses can be bad and we really don't know how they affect the milk. And also horsetail can be bad as well. All you need is a regular prenatal vitamin and a healthy diet. Wait until after nursing then start taking this vitamin.

Is vitamin supplements a good or bad idea to take?

both. if your diet is poor some supplements are helpful. however some oil soluble vitamins are toxic at high doses and can kill you.

How long does it take to get large doses of benzodiazepines out of your system and will the trace amounts in my body hurt my baby?

no more then a month 30 days