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I took 160mg in one night, actually it was thursday. I don't feel it anymore but I am wired. You don't want to take more than 160 in 1 night.

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Q: Is it severely dangerous for you to take 160mg of adderall xr in a span of 2 days?
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If i take 160mg of morphine how long will it take to pass a lab urine test?

If you ingest 160mg of morphine it takes between 2-4 days to pass a lab urine test.

How many days will adderall xr keep you up if snorted?

150 mg of adderall

How long will Adderall test positive in a drug urine test I took 4 Adderall pills in 3 days and have a urine drug test in 5 days?

Adderall, like meth will stay in your system for three to five days

Will adderall be in your bloodstream for 2 days or more?


Can you swet Adderall out of your system?

Yes, adderall comes out of your system just like anything else does. It can take anywhere from 2 to 6 days or long for adderall to sweat out of you.

How can you clear your system if you snorted Adderall?

Adderall will usually clear your system after three days. Adderall is a drug for A.D.D. and after three days will leave your body. Be safe and wait 6 days b4 testing, drink a bunch of water as adderall is dehydrating anyway, some acidic cranberry juice, not pills, couldnt hurt in cleaning u out. Adderall is not water soluble and will pretty much stay until the half life cycle is complete

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How long will 60mg of adderall stay in your system?

How do you clean Adderall out of your system?

Since Adderall is excreted through your kidneys, one of the ways to clean it out of your system is to drink, or take, any diuretic such as drinking caffeinated beverages, eating chocolate, or taking medication such as lasix. However, do this with caution, because both caffeine and Adderall are stimulants, taking them at the same time may be dangerous.

Can adderall stay in your system 8 days?

not usually it is normally out of your system in 1-3 days

How will Adderall show up on a pre-employment drug test?

Adderall shows up as amphetamine--it's not a false positive because Adderall is made out of amphetamine.

How long does adderall 20 mg for three days take to pass a urine test?

60 days

What should you do if you haven't eaten for two days due to Adderall?

Call your doctor.