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No, if that is normal for you then you are fine. If you all of a sudden went from 28 days to 21 then something is wrong.

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Q: Is it something wrong when you get your period every 21 days?
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Is something wrong if you still have your period after ten days?

Yes! Call your doctor.

Why have you had your period for almost 20 days?

i don't know why i have had it for almost 20 days i am to the point of thinking something is really wrong with me

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You started your period or something is really wrong.

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A fish is sick or something is wrong with the water.

Why are you bleeding again when you already had your period this month?

This may mean ur cycle is changing because as for myself I usually get my period with in every 26 days in a month but recently it has been changing to every 28 days in a month so keep tract of ur period and remember some month's have 31 days so it is normal to get ur period twice in one month. I hope this helps

Is 32 days late for a period?

The typical menstruation cycle occurs every 28 days. Therefore, 32 days is slightly later than average for your period to start, but not something to be concerned about.

What does it mean if you have had your period every 2 weeks for the last 2 months you usually have a 28 day cycle and it last for 7 days Now its every 2 weeks for about 4 days is there something wrong?

Yes, it does sound as though you have problems, and the best way to start sorting them is with a visit to a doctor.

Last month my period came in a 33 day cycle and now it came in 27 day cycle can you explain this to me?

Wow girl, you're lucky! Your period comes about every 30 days? Mine is about every 20 days. I too thought that there was something wrong with my cycle, because it was only every 20 days and not at least 28 like most others', My doctor told me there's nothing to worry about. Every girl's period is different, and especially if you started your period less than two years ago, your cycle can be pretty crazy and can vary a lot. So once again, don't worry. If your period starts in less than about 18 days, or it starts in more than about 36, be sure to see your doctor about it.

Your period lasts every 6 days when you start?

no your period can be anywhere from 2 to seven days

Your period has only been lasting two days is their some thing wrong?

If you usually have longer periods, then there may be something wrong. If you haven't had sex, or if you're not on drugs or something, then you're fine. Just let nature take its course.

When would someone ovulate if her period is every 21 days?

You have your period a fixed 14 days after you ovulate. So if a woman has her period every 21 days, she ovulates on 21-14=7...the 7th day after the 1st day of her period.

Every how many days should someone get their period?

A normal period can be 3-7 days long.