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Yes, all the rights of Americans are listed in the bill of rights, which are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.

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Q: Is it the constitution that keeps us free?
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Did the US Constitution free the US from England?

No, it was Chuck Norris.

What is the only business protected by the US Constitution?

The only businesses protected by the US Constitution are religion and free speech.

Which freedom enumerated in the US Constitution?

free BBC's :)

What did the Constitution do for the people?

help us be free as the people of america

How were the states to be protected under the us constitution?

The Constitution made the states were free and that people had a choice in what happens in the country.

What three things did all the delegates agree the US Constitution?

Men are free

How did slaved become free in the US?

By means of Lincoln's wartime proclamation, followed by an amendment to the US constitution.

Why did the representatives of the states meet in Philadelphia in 1787?

They met in Philadelphia because they wanted to revise the weakened Articles of Confederation. Instead they ended up re-writing the Constitution.

Why does the US constitution and Texas constitution both contain a bill of rights?

They both recongnize themselves as a free nation.

Where does it say people of the US are free?

The United States of America is 'free' because of promises from the constitution. For instance, "Freedom of religion".

What was the U.S. free of once the US Civil War ended?

With the end of the US Civil War, the US became free of slavery. In December of 1865 an amendment to the US Constitution, the 13th, abolished slavery.

What is the Supreme Law of Land and how does it help unite the US?

Article 6 of the US Constitution states the US Constitution is the Supreme Law of Land. It helps unite the US because no State can create legally binding laws that could violate the Constitution. Otherwise, we could have 50 States making their own rules that violate citizens' rights, and chaos would ensue. The US Constitution keeps and safeguards "the union" of the United States.