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No. technical the hair doesnt have a root. but no they cut it at the scalp.

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Q: Is it the root of hair that you need to test?
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Is hair Drug Test the same as hair follicle?

yes they do not actually take the root it is not pulled it is cut, a hair test is a hair test . you can see actual hair test collection on you tube search Hair Collection for Drug Testing

How do you pass a hair folical test?

its hair FOLLICLE test and you need hair razor.

What if your hair is broken from the root?

If your hair is broken from the root you need to wait for it to grow out. There is nothing you can do to really treat it until it is longer.

Does ZYDOT Ultra Clean work for a Hair Drug Test even if they get the Root?

Yes, doing a hair drug test they are going back Months, and can even test up to a year.

Why does root hair does not contain chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts need sunlight for function. Root hairs do not get sun light

What is the difference between a leaf cell and root hair cell?

Leaves' cells are made to absorb sunlight and produce sugar for the plant. Roots' cells are made to absorb water.

If you are a very infrequent user and need a hair test how long is it detectable?

Hair tests will show any drug you have taken from the time it grew until it fell out, to stop a hair test you need to cut your hair. They can detect in hair for up to 3 months unless they preform a high dollar test .

What part of root are the root hair?

Root hairs are present in root hair zone. Root hair zone is located just above the root merestem zone.

Whats the white bulb at the root of your hair?

The white bulb at the root of your hair is actually the root of the hair.

Who has passed a hair test and smoked in the pass month?

what you need is to get consult for YOUR history hair test have many factors go to

What is the hair root and hair shaft?

The hair root is in the skin of your scalp. The hair shaft is the rest of the hair that you see.

Is root hair haploid or diploid?

Root hair is diploid.