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the house of representatives is elected by the people to represent each country.

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Q: Is it the senate that is elected by the people or the house?
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Related questions

How are the House of Representatives and senate elected?

they are elected by the people.

How are members of the House and Senate elected?

They are elected by the people before the president.

Does the senate or house of representitives get elected by the entire state?

Only the Senate is elected by the entire state. The House is elected by residents of their Congressional District.

Was jeannette rankin elected to house or senate?


Is the senate elected by the people or the prime minister?

The senate is elected by the People. All the people of a given state vote for all of the senators that are to represent that state. senators represent the state and do not have electorates as is the case in the lower house.

According to the Constitution which part of the new government would be elected directly by the people?

The House of Representatives is elected directly by the people. In later amendments to the US Constitution, the Senate was also added to be elected directly by the people.

Why did the constitution make the senate the upper house?

I would say that is because the Senate at that time was not elected by the people. Senators were appointed by the their states.

How are the officers of the house and senate chosen?

Chosen by drawing lots, elected by the people of the state they are representing

What is an example sentence for senate?

In the United States Congress, you can be elected to the Senate, or you can be elected to the House of Representatives. A person who serves in the Senate is called a Senator.

Which comparison of the house and senate are true?

The House of Representatives has 435 elected members

Sentence example using the word senate?

In the United States Congress, you can be elected to the Senate, or you can be elected to the House of Representatives. A person who serves in the Senate is called a Senator.

Why is the senate called the upper class?

The Senate has terms of 6 years, so they are in office longer. The Senate has more duties than the house. The fact that the house is elected in districts and represent only the people of their district. The Senate represents the entire state.