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Q: Is it too late to do anything about climate change?
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How does climate change affect rats?

Rats are very adaptable. They survive all round the world, in many different climates. They eat everything and anything. Rats will probably not be affected too much by climate change, because they can adapt.

Is it too late to begin a career in wildlife biology?

It is never too late to begin a career in anything.

How do you fix the sentence she yelled too warn him but it was to late?

To correct the sentence, you would change "too" to "to" and "to late" to "too late." The corrected sentence is: She yelled to warn him, but it was too late.

How does climate change affect sea ice?

climate change affects the sea ice because if it is too hot the ice melts, and if it is too cold it will freeze.

You are 28 years old Is it too late to go to school to become an anesthesiologist?

We are living longer lives. Its never too late to do anything.

Is January too late to aerate and over seed your lawn?

January may be too late depending on what area of the country you live in. If you live in a temperate or warm climate you can still do this is January.

How could climate change affect us?

if its too hot we burn and if its too cold we freeze

How do you form a climate change?

with too much co2 from cars etc.

When is day for change?

yesterday. your too late im sorry

Is there fear of climate change in the rain forest?

yes, the fear of climate change is very high because of global warming. Climate change is also caused by the pollution on the earth and in the ocean, rivers, and/ or lakes and also streams. Climate change can cause plants and animals to become extinct and die, too.

Will an ein shemer apple tree pollinate an Anna apple tree?

Yes. Their blossom times will overlap and both produce plenty of good pollen. However, neither need pollination in order to bear fruit; the fruit will just end up seedless.

Is there anything unusual about rabies?

Fear of water. But by then, I think its too late to cure?