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Hell no Hitler started the Nazi party and he was Normal German and nothinh like a communist

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Q: Is it true Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party was comprised of intellectuals and communists?
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Who blamed Jewish people intellectuals and communists for germanys problems after world war 1?

Adolf Hitler

What was hitlers reall name?


Adolf Hitlers Christian names?

His full name and Christian name is Adolf Hitler.

Adolf hitlers telephone number in the bunker?


Who is Adolf Hitlers mom?

Her name was Klara Hitler.

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Who blamed Jewish people intellectuals and communists for germanys problems after world war 1?

Adolf Hitler

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What was Hitlers christian name?

His full name is Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitlers mother was what German?

She was Austrian.

Who was adolf hitlers mum?

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When was adolf hitlers rain?

From 1933 to 1945.

What is adolf hitlers autographical?

Mein kampf

Adolf Hitlers Christian names?

His full name and Christian name is Adolf Hitler.

What was Adolf Hitlers girlfriend callled?

Eva Braun

What country was adolf hitlers birthday?

Austria, Braunau

Where are adolf hitlers siblings at now?

They have all died.