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Q: Is it true a vehicle going downhill should yield to the vehicle going uphill?
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Does a heavy car go faster downhill that going uphill?

No the can go faster downhill or uphill

Is less pedalling suggested when going uphill or downhill?


How does gravity affect your driving with speed adjustment stopping adjustment and coasting when up and downhill?

Gravity adds a force (kgs) going downhill = sin (incline angle) * mass vehicle (kgs) and detracts the force when going uphill (same equation)

Does weight affect speed?

It depends... the object could be falling, going straight, going uphill or going downhill.

Why does your car slow while going uphill?

Gravity. The car is heavy and doesnt want to move, so you must excelerate to make the car go uphill. If a car is going downhill, the is no need to excelerate because gravity is pulling the car downhill.

What is the steep mountain road rule?

When two vehicles meet on a steep road where neither can pass, the vehicle facing downhill must yield the right-of-way by backing up until the vehicle going uphill can pass.

Is a bikes front suspension meant to be locked?

Only while going uphill or while on pavement other than that, you should keep it pretty loss especially while going downhill

Why does a bus going uphill travel more slowly than going downhill?

because if you going down hill its faster because its a mountain

How fast is a 50 cc mini bike?

I would suppose it would matter if you were going uphill or downhill.

What gas mileage will a 1997 Dodge Ram 2500 4X4 V10 get?

11mpg loaded. 11.25mpg unloaded. 11.5mpg going downhill. 10.75mpg going uphill. 10.5mpg going uphill loaded. Subtract 1mpg if it's raining. Add 1mpg if you drive less than 65.

How do you calculate the speed of something going down a hill?

Average speed = Distance travelled/Time taken. And that applies whether the object is going downhill, uphill or is on a roller coaster.

What causes a vehicle to not accelerate as quickly in the mountains?

because it is going uphill and the engine has to work harder?