

Is it true girls like bad boys or do they prefer the nice guys with a good personalty?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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This depends on the exact girl or woman involved. It is true that biologically speaking, women are wired a bit to look for a protector. Even successful women would rather have men who can take care of them. That seems to be how nature intended things, since when women are in places where the men truly are barbarians, they need a strong man who is on their side and able to defend them and their children from the other men. Such evolutionary holdovers still exist.

Now, in terms of teen girls who like "bad boys," it might be due to immaturity on their part. Teenage years is the time for rebellion and establishing a sense of self that does not depend on one's parents. So seeing a boy who is free-spirited and who doesn't care about traditions and social limits is quite a draw.

Then there are the "nice guys." This is not a single group of guys. Some are not really nice guys, but are simply repressing a lot and might really be worse than a "bad boy" type inside. They might even be unpredictable to live with. Other "nice guys" may really be spineless and cowards. Then there are the "nice guys" who are feminine or effeminate. Girls may be afraid that they might either come out as gay or transition gender. In a transgender forum, one woman announced that she'd rather have a drunk who beat her than a crossdressing husband. That's probably because being a victim to domestic violence tends to garner public sympathy, while having a gender non-conforming spouse often invokes feelings of shame.

Then consider social dynamics. Boys and girls often grow up segregated to some degree, at least mentally or in terms of preferred peer group. Then when puberty hits, it is a matter of looking for the opposite of that. So why look for someone who is almost like you in terms of nature? Where's the attraction or chemistry in that? So such a person can only be a best friend and no more.

There is a dating dilemma here if a "bad boy," and a "nice guy" are the only two options. The "bad boy" type might seem hotter, but he is more likely to be abusive. If you are attracted to someone who disrespects others, then what will keep them from being disrespectful to you? Then, on the other hand, the nice guy might not hit you, but he might not defend you either.

So to conclude, it is an individual preference, though it does seem there is some bias towards "bad boy" types.

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Q: Is it true girls like bad boys or do they prefer the nice guys with a good personalty?
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