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Q: Is it true or false that the closer an earthquake the greater the time between the arrival of P waves and the arrival of S waves?
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How does an area's distance from the epicenter effect the amount of damage an earthquake will do?

The proximity of the epicentre to populated or urban areas will effect the damage caused as the closer the earthquake's epicentre, the more energy will be retained by the earthquake waves and so the greater their capacity to cause damage.

Why do areas far away from the epicenter sometimes experience greater damage during an earthquake than areas closer to the epicenter?

suck my huge hairy dick

What has greater pull by nucleus electron in outer shell of neon or sodium?

Neon. The closer electrons are to the nucleus, the greater the pull the nucleus has on the electrons.

Why does an area that is far from the epicenter of an earthquake generally has a lower intensity than an area closer to the epicenter?

The farther you go from the epicenter, the seismic waves become weaker.

What are the two factors that can determine the amount of destruction that results from an earthquake?

Their magnitude (the amount of energy released by the earthquake, which effects the energy of the seismic waves and the damage they can cause).The proximity of the epicentre to populated or urban areas (the closer the earthquake epicentre, the more energy will be retained by the earthquake waves and the greater the damage)The local ground conditions (seismic waves have a much lower amplitude in hard rock than in soft ground making the damage caused by seismic waves much greater in soft grounds. Also liquefaction may occur in soft ground where there is pore water which acts to significantly reduce bearing capacity and makes building collapse much more likely)The construction techniques employed in the area and the enforcement of applicable construction codes or standards will affect how destructive an earthquake is (earthquake resistant designs will obviously reduce the damage caused by seismic waves, on the other hand, in countries or areas where poor building practices are followed - e.g. insufficient steel reinforcement in concrete, the use of cheap or poorly sourced aggregates which reduce the strength of concrete or the construction on poor founding materials without the requisite foundation engineering will all act to increase the damage caused by earthquakes).

Related questions

Is it true that the closer an earthquake the greater the time difference between the arrival of P-waves and the arrival of S-waves?

False. The closer you are to the epicentre, the smaller the time difference between the arrival of P and S-waves.

Why does the time between the arrival of the P wave and the S wave become greater and greater as you get farther away from the epicenter?

It is because the epicenter decreases their strenght as it is closer to it

Where is the epicenter of an earthquake if the arrival time difference between P and S waves is zero?

Your standing on it! P-waves travel faster than S-waves through the Earth. As such the further away a seismometer station is from the epicentre of an Earthquake, the larger the difference between arrival times will be. By the same logic this means that the closer you get to the epicentre, the smaller the difference in arrival time will be until your at the epicentre when the difference will be zero!

Is it true seismic waves of an earthquake are greater closer to the surface of the crust near a city?

No, the location of a city is unknown by and irrelevant to the earthquake.

When is the gravity between two objects greater?

When their masses are greater, and when their centers of mass are closer together.

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When either or both of their masses are greater, and when their centers are closer together.

Is 2.65 closer to 2.67 or 2.7?

It is closer to 2.67 ; since 2.67 is greater than 2.65, and 2.7 is greater than that, 2.67 is in between, and 2.7 is farther away.

How does an area's distance from the epicenter effect the amount of damage an earthquake will do?

The proximity of the epicentre to populated or urban areas will effect the damage caused as the closer the earthquake's epicentre, the more energy will be retained by the earthquake waves and so the greater their capacity to cause damage.

How long does it takes to fly from new Orleans to Omaha Nebraska?

The time between departure and arrival will be between 4 and 5 hours, but closer to 5.

Why do areas far away from the epicenter sometimes experience greater damage during an earthquake than areas closer to the epicenter?

suck my huge hairy dick

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The closer the distance, the greater the pull of gravity between them.

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The inner planets are closer together than the outer planets are.