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No. Putting a spoon under your pillow has absolutely no effect on the weather.

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Q: Is it true that's if you sleep with a spoon under your pillow it will snow?
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What are some tricks to get it to snow?

-Spoon under your pillow for seven hours during sleep -Seven ice cubes in each toilet of your house

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Does sleeping with your phone under your pillow give you a headcahe?

i sleep with an xbox controller under my pillow and it doesnt bother me. same for my phone

Is there a dance that is supposed to make it snow?

with your bare hands, go outside and scoop up snow, bring it inside and flush it, wear your pj's inside out and backwards, throw ice out the window and sleep with a spoon under your pillow.

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dont know about ipod but with phones it is

Why do you put your arm under your pillow when you sleep?

because it's comfortable :P

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You get under the blankets, put your head on the pillow and close your eyes.

Why did Alexander the great sleep with a copy of The Iliad under his pillow?

He thought of himself as the next Achilles.

How to take the pain away after a tongue piercing?

Ice, Ibuprofen and elevating it (extra pillow under your head when you sleep)

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The old myth of a female guest putting their sliver of wedding cake under their pillow is that if they do they will meet their true love and marry soon.

How to sleep comfortably with an injury?

The best way to sleep comfortably with an injury depends on the type of injury. In general, a pillow under the hurt body part can help relieve pain during sleep.

What did Alexander the Great sleep with under his pillow?

A copy of Homer's masterpiece The Illiad and a dagger