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Yes, the amount of electricity in lightning does equal 1.21 Jigawats

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Q: Is it true that 1.21 jigawats equals the electricity of lightning?
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Is lightning is an example of static electricity true or false?

True. Lightning is a natural example of static electricity, which occurs when there is a build-up of electrical charge in the atmosphere that discharges in the form of a lightning bolt.

Is it true that lightning purely consists of light?

No. Lightning is a discharge of static electricity that produce light.

Is it true that a building can be protected from lightning by grounding?

Lightning can still strike a building, but grounding makes the electricity in the lightning flow into the ground, making it a less of a danger to the people in the building. Yes its true

What is the visible discharge of electricity called?

ligtning po.. its true..

What is Hypothesis of electricity?

We are long past the hypothesis stage, with regard to electricity, which is a very well understood phenomenon at this point. If you would like to know about the history of scientific investigation of electricity, there were a number of hypotheses, including the hypothesis that lightning is a form of electricity (which is true) and that nerve impulses are also a form of electricity (also true) and that electricity can be generated by some types of chemical reactions (also true) and that electricity can be used to make the Frankenstein monster come to life (not true).

What is hypothesis electricity?

We are long past the hypothesis stage, with regard to electricity, which is a very well understood phenomenon at this point. If you would like to know about the history of scientific investigation of electricity, there were a number of hypotheses, including the hypothesis that lightning is a form of electricity (which is true) and that nerve impulses are also a form of electricity (also true) and that electricity can be generated by some types of chemical reactions (also true) and that electricity can be used to make the Frankenstein monster come to life (not true).

True or false lightning happens because of the release of static electrcity?

True, lightning occurs as a result of the buildup and release of static electricity in the atmosphere. This buildup of charge creates an imbalance between the positively charged top of a cloud and the negatively charged ground below, resulting in a sudden discharge of electricity in the form of lightning.

Is it true that lightning happens because of the release of static electricity?

Yes, lightning is caused by the discharge of built-up static electricity in the atmosphere. When the positive and negative charges within a cloud or between a cloud and the ground become too strong, they discharge in the form of lightning, equalizing the electrical imbalance.

Is it true that geckos are attractive to lightning?

No. No animal attracts lightning.

What is the hypothesis for electricity?

We are long past the hypothesis stage, with regard to electricity, which is a very well understood phenomenon at this point. If you would like to know about the history of scientific investigation of electricity, there were a number of hypotheses, including the hypothesis that lightning is a form of electricity (which is true) and that nerve impulses are also a form of electricity (also true) and that electricity can be generated by some types of chemical reactions (also true) and that electricity can be used to make the Frankenstein monster come to life (not true).

Is it true that lightning started in the ground?


Is it true that lightning can happen because of the release of static electricity?

Yes, that is true. Lightning is a natural electrical discharge that occurs when there is a buildup and subsequent release of static electricity in the atmosphere. The discharge can happen between clouds, or between a cloud and the ground, resulting in the visible flash of light we see as lightning.