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However many times Luke records Jesus as having prayed, he most certainly does not state that Jesus only prayed eight times. Not every event and detail of Jesus life was recorded by each of the Gospel writers nor even the whole by all of them put together. John states plainly that much was left out of his Gospel, even though he had much the others did not have.

Luke records 'in order' a series of events and teachings in Jesus' life. He records a number of times that Jesus did various things, including pray. Nowhere does he claim to record every prayer Jesus ever made. Nor does he record every miracle either.

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Q: Is it true that Jesus prayed only eight times according to Luke?
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How many times Jesus prayed in the Bible?

jesus prayed every day. he prayed at 9 in the morning, noon, and sunset. he also always prayed all night before he preached

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Jesus prayed more than three times while he was on the earth. He prayed to his Father numerous times throughout his earthly ministry of 3 1/2 years. Check the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

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The gospels describe several times when Jesus is said to have prayed, but do not say how he prayed or what he prayed for. Moreover, the very notion of Jesus praying seems to go against the concept of the Holy Trinity, which holds that Jesus is of one substance with God. On this definition, it would seem entirely redundant for Jesus ever to have prayed.

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Jesus prayed to God many times throughout his life on Earth. He prayed very often, as we should do, for God was His father.

How many Times did Jesus pray?

There us no set-in-stone amount of times Jesus prayed. According to the Bible, He would often pray before performing miracles, while chilling out and fasting in the desert, and in the Garden before his crucification. But who knows. Maybe he never actually prayed? Maybe he could sleep standing up. *wink

How many times did Jesus pray in the garden of Gethsemane with his disciples?

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How many times did Jesus pray In the Bible just give you numbers?

The main times Jesus prayed were in the lords prayer, and in the garden of Gethsemane.

How many times did Jesus pray in the Bible?

Many times although but only a few were actually written down. Jesus prayed every morning and every night. He also prayed often during the day. Jesus was in constant contact with his Heavenly Father, just like we should be today.

How many times did Jesus pray in Matthew Mark Luke and John?

While the exact number of times Jesus prayed in the four Gospels is not specified, prayer is a significant aspect of Jesus's life and ministry. He often prayed alone, before important events, and to connect with God. His prayers serve as examples for followers on the importance of praying regularly and seeking communion with God.

How many times is it mentioned in the bible that jesus went to pray alone?

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed" (Mark 1:35) "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (Luke 5:16).

How many times did Jesus pray to God before he was arrested?

Mark's Gospel, the first gospel to be written, divided the last twenty four hours in the life of Jesus into eight periods of three hours each. Mark has Jesus go to the Garden of Gethsemane at 9 pm, where his closest disciples, Peter, James and John, were not able to remain awake. "Could you not watch one hour?" Jesus asked. The process was repeated two more times and each time the disciples fell asleep. It was now midnight, and Jesus had prayed three times.

Why did jesus pray three times in the garden of gethsemane?

Jesus prayed three times in the garden of Gethsemane to express his deep anguish and surrender to God's will before his impending crucifixion. Each prayer demonstrated his struggle with the weight of his upcoming sacrifice and his ultimate acceptance of God's plan for him.