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No,it is not the only organelle. Many other organelles have double membranes. Ex: Chloroplast,lysosoem,vacuole etc

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Q: Is it true that Mitochondria are double membrane organelles.?
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Are all of the neurons organelles restricted to the cell body?

Not true. There are organelles like mitochondria, vesicles in the axoplasm in the axon.

Are both chloroplasts and mitochondria bounded by two membranes?

Yes. The outer membrane is similar to modern eukaryotic membranes, such as the plasma membranes of animals and plants. The inner membrane is similar to modern prokaryotic membranes, found in bacteria. This difference has been taken as one piece of evidence to support the theory of the endosymbiotic origin of these two organelles, i.e. the idea that each of these organelles formed originally from the engulfing of a prokaryotic cell by a eukaryotic one.

Eukaryote s lack a nucleus and other membrane organelles?

No, eukaryotes do have a true nucleus and organelles. What you're describing is a prokaryote.

Is mitochondria only in eukaryotic cells?

Yes. Mitochondria are only present in eukaryotic cells where they are the sites of aerobic respiration and ATP production. In prokaryotic cells such as bacteria, respiration occurs on infolds in the plasma membrane called mesosomes.

What is the difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

Prokaryotes do not have a nucleusA eukaryote has a 'true' (membrane enclosed) nucleus and extensive system of membrane enclosed organelles, such as; mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus ect. and the ribosomes are found both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the rough ER. Prokaryotes have no membrane enclosed organelles or nucleus and the chromatin material is free is the cytoplasm, often in a "nuclear area", the Ribosomes in prokaryotes are all free in the cytoplasm.

Related questions

What is a membrane bound organelle plant cells?

Mitochondria and Chloroplasts, this is to do with the endosymbiotic theory.

What is true of prokaryotes but not eukaryotes?

A eukaryote has a 'true' (membrane enclosed) nucleus and extensive system of membrane enclosed organelles, such as; mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus ect. and the ribosomes are found both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the rough ER. Prokaryotes have no membrane enclosed organelles or nucleus and the chromatin material is free is the cytoplasm, often in a "nuclear area", the Ribosomes in prokaryotes are all free in the cytoplasm.

Are all of the neurons organelles restricted to the cell body?

Not true. There are organelles like mitochondria, vesicles in the axoplasm in the axon.

What is untrue of eukaryotic cells They have A true nucleus with chromosomes B smaller ribosomes than in prokaryotic cells C mitochondria D organelles in the cytoplasm E membrane-bounded compartments?

Eukaryote cells have membrane-bound organelles. One thing that is not true of eukaryote cells is they contain ribosomes that are smaller than those of prokaryotic cells. Gas vacuoles are present

Are both chloroplasts and mitochondria bounded by two membranes?

Yes. The outer membrane is similar to modern eukaryotic membranes, such as the plasma membranes of animals and plants. The inner membrane is similar to modern prokaryotic membranes, found in bacteria. This difference has been taken as one piece of evidence to support the theory of the endosymbiotic origin of these two organelles, i.e. the idea that each of these organelles formed originally from the engulfing of a prokaryotic cell by a eukaryotic one.

Which organelle would be missing in a prokaryotic cell?

In a prokaryotic cell, there would be no membrane-bound nuclei, and no other membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria, no vacuoles, no endoplasmic reticulum, no chloroplasts, if it photosynthetic. The only membrane present is the plasma membrane.

True or false Ribosomes differ from other organelles in that they are membrane bound?

FalseRibosmes are naked organelles.Every other organelles except cell wall are membrane bound

Eukaryote s lack a nucleus and other membrane organelles?

No, eukaryotes do have a true nucleus and organelles. What you're describing is a prokaryote.

Is mitochondria only in eukaryotic cells?

Yes. Mitochondria are only present in eukaryotic cells where they are the sites of aerobic respiration and ATP production. In prokaryotic cells such as bacteria, respiration occurs on infolds in the plasma membrane called mesosomes.

Is it true or false that organelles that use energy from sunlight to produce food are called mitochondria?

false, chloroplast

What is the difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

Prokaryotes do not have a nucleusA eukaryote has a 'true' (membrane enclosed) nucleus and extensive system of membrane enclosed organelles, such as; mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus ect. and the ribosomes are found both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the rough ER. Prokaryotes have no membrane enclosed organelles or nucleus and the chromatin material is free is the cytoplasm, often in a "nuclear area", the Ribosomes in prokaryotes are all free in the cytoplasm.

What cells have membrane-enclosed organelles?

They are eukaryotic cells.