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No. That would be Uranus.

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Q: Is it true that Neptune's the only planet that rotates on an axis parallel to it's orbit?
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Is neptune the only planet that rotates on an axis parallel to its orbit?

The question doesn't make much sense. I think it probably should say: "an axis parallel to its orbit plane". In that case, the answer is that Uranus (not Neptune) is the only planet that rotates on an axis parallel (roughly) to its orbit plane.

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Which planet rotates the sun?

All of them orbit the Sun.

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What the difference between venus and Jupiter?

Venus is an inferior planet i.e.its orbit is inside the earth's orbit. It does not have a moon It rotates from east to west. Jupiter is a superior planet i.e.its orbit is outside the earth's orbit. It has 63 moons. It rotates from west to east.

Which planet has a moon that revolves in the direction opposite all its other moons?

Neptune has a moon that revolves in the direction opposite all its other moons. This moon is called Triton and is the largest moon of Neptune.

How long would it take for it to orbit the sun one complete time?

neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun

What planet rotates in 18 hours and 30 minutes?

The answer is Eris,a planet just outside Mar's orbit.

What is the orbital time for the sun?

neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun neptunes orbit time of the sun is 164.79 years to orbit the sun

What planet crosses neptunes path closer to the sun for20 years of its 248 year orbit?

Pluto does this, but it's only classed as a "dwarf planet" now.

What is the planet orbit?

The orbit of each planet it the path it takes as it rotates round the Sun under the influence of the force of gravity. Every planet has a separate orbit and the orbits all follow Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.