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No - that is completely false - an 'old wives tale'.

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Q: Is it true that a snake does not eat babies because of the smell of breast milk coming from the baby?
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Is it safe to have cats around my premature son?

No it is not safe to have cats around your child, cats are known to accidentally smother infants because they are attracted to the smell of the formula or breast milk on your babies breath

Does your burp smell?

Yes they do because the smell of anything you have ate will smell. Sometimes they smell even with out nothing because you have all ready ate something that is still coming out.

Why do your breast smell like breast milk and you are not breast feeding?

Nipple Discharge Nipple discharge, the common symptom of various mammary diseases, its clinical occurrence rate is about 8% or so. Nipple discharge is a common attendance reason, it can be seen in breast lesions, may also come from breast-outside factors, even could be the normal physiological phenomena. Breast cancer, papilloma, cystic hyperplasia were the main causes of nipple discharge.

Why do babies diapers smell like ammonia in the mornings?

because there is ammonia in pee

How does a baby know who their mom is?

When a child is born, they have a connection with their birthmother. Scientists say that babies can smell a scent, in which they recognize from their mother, the person who feds them breast milk.

Why do birds kill their babies if touched by a human?

Because they smell wrong. That is a myth that is not true

How soon after birth do babies obtain the sense of smell?

The Babies sense if smell develops in the womb

Why is grant from aylesbury smell?

If you are around Grant from Aylesbury and you notice a smell coming from him, there may be several reasons. The odor could be coming from because he didn't bathe recently, or because he has a job which requires him to be in smelly area.

What does a woodpecker smell like?

babies and despair

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Why does the air conditioner smell like vinegar when turned on?

because you have too many dead babies in your air conditioner tank

Why do babies smell like roses?

Because The baby hasn't been anywere and a ladys tummie smells like roses.