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no that is not true you it depend on your body and wen ur period is

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Q: Is it true that birth control or shots can help you ovulate and have a normal period?
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What does it mean if you start you period on day you ovulate?

If your period wasn't due & you're on birth control, then this is break through bleeding. Birth control stops you from ovulating. If you're currently on the 7day break or sugar pills then this is normal.

When you only have your period every four months because of birth control do you still ovulate every month?

No, the point of birth control is so that your body will not ovulate so that you will not get pregnant. Your period is withdrawal bleeding, which is not the same as regular periods.

Can you ovulate 33 days after your period?

The normal menstrual cycle is ovulation 14 days after your period. The first period post-partum can occur any time and birth control methods should be used.

What happens to your body after you stop birth control?

You start to ovulate and get your period back and you can get pregnant again.

Do you ovulate after stopping birth control in the middle of the pack?

Yes, if you stop birth control, you may ovulate.

Why do you get a period on birth control if you don't ovulate?

Women who don't ovulate naturally may have one of two problems that are helped with birth control pills:In women with polycystic ovarian syndrome and other high- or normal-estrogen states who don't ovulate, the risk of endometrial cancer is high. The birth control pill can eliminate this risk.In women with anorexia or other low-estrogen states who don't ovulate, the estrogen in the birth control pill can offer some protection against bone loss.Talk with your health care provider regarding whether it makes sense for you to use the birth control pill for noncontraceptive reasons.

When do you ovulate if you're on the birth control pill?

Normally a woman does not ovulate while taking the birth control pill. This is the birth control pill's primary method of action.

Is your period supposed to be normal after getting off birth control?

Everyone starts getting their period after birth control eventually.

When do you ovulate if you're on birth control?

If you put on the birth control patch while ovulating, you will likely still ovulate. Your next period may be later than expected. You will have pregnancy protection after you use the patch correctly for seven days.

How light is your period on birth control?

usually on birth control you have a very light period but until your body gets used ti the birth control then you can have anywhere from a normal flow to a very light flow.

Is it normal to have brown spotting instead of a period when you're on birth control?

Hormonal birth control changes your menstrual bleeding. It's not unusual to have brown spotting instead of a regular period when you're on birth control.

Do you get your period on birth control?

No, you don't get your period on [hormonal] birth control.Hormonal birth control works by stopping your menstrual cycles so that you don't ovulate, and as you don't ovulate you also don't menstruate. The bleeding women experience on hormonal birth control such as the pill is a withdrawal bleed caused by a drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills. Withdrawal bleeds are meant to mimic menstruation but they're not the same.