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Q: Is it true that friction is a force that opposes motion?
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What is the force that opposes the friction force?

The opposite force to friction is momentum. Because friction stops an object from moving or slows an object down, momentum keeps it at speed.

Friction is an example of a force?

yes it is, this refers to the force being created by the moving object (in perspectives-) a car which travels down the road has thrust in order to propel itself forward however there is also friction force with OPPOSES motion of the object, thus friction is regarded as a force, also support force (from the ground) or gravitational force is an equally right choice in terms of common forces. Therefore your statement/question in regards to friction being a force is true.

What is the force that always opposes motion?

The first law of Newton suggests that an object will keep moving until an equal or opposite force reacts onto it changing its speed or direction of momentum. A force that would ALWAYS oppose motion would be friction because we are surrounded by air and anything in motion will always have air molecules bumping against it causing it to slow down. Even the road causes friction on the wheels of a car; pavement causes friction on your shoes and so on. The only place friction can be negligible (not in all cases) is in a vacuum where no air is present and that is only if the object is not rubbing against anything else. i.e. the outer space So the answer to your question is pretty vague unless you specify WHERE this object would be. Depending on the surroundings, there is almost always something that opposes motion even if it doesn't seem like there is any friction present. i.e. hockey puck on ice may seem like it has no friction but that is not true!

Is it true that rolling friction always reduces the net force acting aginstan objects's motion to zero?

Friction can be reduced, but in most cases there is no practical way to reduce friction to zero.

When you are in an aeroplane does lift act in the opposite direction to friction?

Lift does not act opposite to friction. Lift opposes weight and friction(air resistance) opposes thrust from the engine. This is all equally true whether or not you happen to be aboard the aircraft.

Analyze the following sentences. Write true if the statement is correct or false if it's not.1. Friction is the force that is present whenever to surfaces are in contact?

True. Friction is the force that resists motion when the surface of one object comes in contact with the surface of another

Would rolling friction reduce the net force of an object to zero?

Only if the object does not MOVE. If it moves in any direction, then the NET Force on the Object is NOT ZERO, it is equal to the (Applied Force) - (Friction Force). So the answer to your question is FALSE.

Is this true the more friction the slower the thing goes?

kinda yes.. because friction is a resistive force acting against a body, so it will effect the motion and certainly slow it down

The force due to friction is a manifestation of the electron repulsion force?


Hen you lift a box off the ground gravity opposes your lifting force?

This is true

Is it true or false that friction acts to speed up the motion of an object?
