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Nobody knows.I go by that theory but what I really think it is that YOU think of them before you fall asleep.

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Q: Is it true that if you dream of someone they thought about you before they fell asleep?
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Why do you dream when asleep?

when you have nightmares it is just the brain playing tricks on you perhaps off something you thought off before you fell asleep

What does it mean when you see a sketching of an eye in your dream?

it probably means nothing. Someone could have been watching you while asleep or thought about you. you can dream about anything your mind can imagine.

When you dream about someone were they thinking about you and do they think what you dream about?

when you dream about someone, they fell asleep thinking about you. they dont always think about what you dream about though.

I had an amazing dream and I want to have it again. How can I do that Is it possible?

Yes. No guarantees, but you can give yourself an instruction to have that dream. "I will dream about ..... tonight." Then focus on the dream before falling asleep, particularly in the in-between state just before falling asleep.

How is it possible that i thought about what would have happened if i had said yes to a guy who asked me out before i went to sleep and then i dreamed that he was my boyfriend?

You dream about whatever was on your mind previously before you fell asleep because that is what your brain was functioning on.

What does it mean if you dream that you started going out with a friends ex girlfriend?

it could be that you were thinking of her before you fell asleep because if someone is on your mind before you fall asleep sometimes you dream them. but the real question is how do you feel toward your friend's ex? again if you are constantly thinking about someone or something you may dream her/him or it. if you were not thinking about this person at all then maybe it was just one of those weird dreams. not to worry everyone has strange dreams they don't understand.

If you dreamed about someone does that mean he or she thought about you before going to sleep?

It could be that or probably that is what your conscience was thinking about before going to sleep, which made you dream of him/her.

What does it mean when you have dreams about someone?

It depends what the dream is about i once had a dream about my best mates girlfriend and her best friend making out naked I woke.I had ,had a wet dream this probabley means i find them sexualley atractive and secetly i wanna see them naked making out. But if you have a dream about a mate of yours that and the dream is random you were probabley just thinking about them before you fell asleep and your mind thought of a situation. ( Im 14 so this may not be right but it is a good reason though.)

What does a kitten in a dream mean?

if u have a kitten in your dream it means u were thinking about kittens before u fell asleep

Why was one of your friends in your dream?

One of your friends may have been in a dream because you have been thinking about him/her is the hour before you fell asleep

What does it mean when you dream about some one?

Usually it means you like them or you were thinking about them before you fell asleep

What does it mean to dream of pink cats?

Were you watching an episode of pink panther before you fell asleep?