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Q: Is it true that if you slow down in East Cleveland you'll die?
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What is slow down?

its when something is slowing down

Why do Slow down and slow up mean the same?

I think you mean slow down and speed up. slow down =slow, speed up=fast

Why does Cleveland talk slow?

It is explained in a cut-away scene typical of a Family Guy episode that Cleveland was once a auctioneer, and when one of the artifacts feel it hit him and he started talking slow.

How do you slow down on a skeleton?

how do you slow down when competing in skeleton?

Why do cars slow down?

cars slow down because of friction and when you push the brake pedal you automatically slow down

What is a syonym for slow?

Slow Down, Slow, retared

Does the PNS slow down or speed up HR?

slow down

Which force will slow the rocket down?

an elephant will slow a rocket down

When does your pulse slow down?

In my opinion our pulse slow down in our sleep.

How do you slow down diffusion?

you slow it down by freezing or slowing down the particles by increasing the tempature

What are the trainings and exercies you need to do before your shuttle run?

Stretch, loosen up, stay lanky like a slinky or youll be too tight, drink very little as it will slow you down. Anything along those lines should do.

Will encryption slow down my netbook?

Yes. it will a bit will slow down your netbook