


Founded in 1796, Cleveland is a city in the US state of Ohio and the county seat of Cuyahoga County. With a land area of 77.6 sq mile, the city is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie, about 60 miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

472 Questions

How many cities in the U.s. named Cleveland?

There are 16 states have a city named Cleveland including Ohio, Kansas, and Indiana, and find the rest for yourself!

How much snow has Cleveland had in 2011-2012?

Cleveland received about 23.6 inches of snow in the winter of 2011-2012.

What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Cleveland Ohio?

The hottest temperature ever recorded in Cleveland, Ohio was 104°F (40°C) on June 25, 1988.

Approximately how many days a year does the temperature drop below zero in Cleveland Ohio?

In Cleveland, Ohio, the temperature typically drops below zero on about 9 to 12 days a year. These cold temperatures are more common during the winter months.

What is the longitude and latitude of Cleveland?

Longitude: 81°40′11″W

Latitude: 41°28′56″N
If you go to google earth and search Cleveland Ohio, the result will show the precise coordinates at the bottom of the screen, down to degrees, minutes and hundredths of a second.

What will be the visible constellation just after sunset tonight from Dayton Ohio?

The constellation Cassiopeia will be visible just after sunset tonight in Dayton, Ohio. Cassiopeia is a distinctive "W" or "M" shape and is located in the northern sky. It is best seen in the autumn and winter months.

What was the weather in Cleveland Ohio on March 12 1968?

I do not have access to historical weather data for a specific date like March 12, 1968. It may be helpful to check with a weather archive or historical weather website for such detailed information on past weather conditions.

What is the 2008 population of Ohio?

In the 50 US States population is measured every 10 years through the U.S. Census. Between those years states have estimates but not hard numbers. You can get estimates and hard numbers by going to the U.S. Census website.

What is the penalty for robbery?

It all depends on how much you pay for your lawyer.

Does the sun rise earlier in Cleveland Ohio or New York City?

The sun rises earlier in New York City than in Cleveland, Ohio. This is because New York City is farther east in the Eastern Time Zone than Cleveland.

What time is sunset in Cleveland Ohio on may 01 2010?

Sunset in Cleveland, Ohio on May 1, 2010 was at approximately 8:21 pm local time.

Where can you find a summer job if you are 14 years old in Cleveland Ohio?

While I admire your ambition, in MOST cases (and in most places) businesses cannot hire people as young as 12. Your best chances will be to look around for neighbors that may be looking for some part time help in matters such as weeding flowerbeds, babysitting, and the like. Looking for those jobs will not be easy, but it WILL be good practice for when you are older, and looking for a regular job. Good luck to you!

What is a White MG 77 Rotary sewing machine worth and when was it made?

from what i know,

I would say between $60 for one in descent shape,

$100 for a real good one with alot of attachments.

a series 77 is for heavier materials like leather and canvas too.

Domestic Rotary sewing machine serial number 153MG-62092 how much is it worth?

It depends on the condition of the machine, the serial number, and the brand.

A good rule of thumb: If it looks anything like what you've sewn with (or your mom or grandmother), or it has a serial number with 6 or more numbers, it is likely of very little value to sewing machine collectors.

Any early sewing machine by any maker with a serial # of 5,000 or less is worth more. Lower serial numbers by lesser-known brands are even more valuable. For example, there is a Bradbury Limited 1879 sewing machine with a low serial number on eBay right now for $5,000. There is also a vintage Singer 11-20 for sale for $3,500.

So, take a look at your sewing machine's brand and serial number, and check eBay to see if there is something comparable. You may also want to consult an antique dealer after finding this information.

What is Cleveland clinic pay grade 11?

As of May 8, 2014, the average pay grade 11 at the Cleveland Clinic is 16.00. The exact pay varies depending on several factors.

What is big wilson doing he was a dj out of cleveland ohio around 1956 1958 on kyw radio?

Went to NY and then Miami, died in 1989:

Where is the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo in Cleveland Ohio located?

The address of the Cleveland Museum Of Natural History is: 1 Wade Oval Dr, Cleveland, OH 44106-1701

Where is the Lakeview Cemetery Foundation in Cleveland Ohio located?

The address of the Woodland Cemetery Foundation Of Cleveland Ohio is: Po Box 1966, Cleveland, OH 44106-0166