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Smoke is never good for the lungs, regardless of it source.

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Q: Is it true that if you smoke the leaves of a trumpet tree it's good for you because it cleans out your lungs?
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Why is it the best to breathe in through the nose?

because it cleans the air un like the mouth, it goes straight to the lungs

What is equiped to play the trumpet?

Your lips and lungs.

What happen to your lunges when you exhale?

when you inhale your lungs expand when you exhale they deflate because the air leaves the lungs.

Why leaves are the lungs of the earth?

Because they exchange Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen

What cleans air and channels it in our lungs?

cillliated epillithial cells or cillia for short, they clean dust and mucus from our lungs

What is a instrument that requires a good set of lungs?

Trumpet, or A Tuba.

Why do the lungs have a good oxygen supply and where do they get it from?

from when you breathe in,i heard it's better through your nose because your celia inside your nose cleans it(which is why smokers can get lung cancer because the smoke damages the celia)

What occurs when air leaves the lungs?

Loss of air in the Lungs.

How does mouth breathing affect air entering the lungs?

Mouth breathing does not cleans the impurities from the air as nasal breathing does. This leaves you more susceptible to illness and pollutants. It also does not heat the air as much and allows you to loose moisture from the body.

Is epithelium a plant or animal cell?

Epithelium cells are present in both animal and plant cells

Where does blood go AFTER it leaves the pulmonary arteries?

Blood leaves the pulmonary artery and travels into the lungs. In the lungs the blood releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen.

What cleans the air as it enters the body?

Tiny hairs called cilla in the lungs. Smoking kills the cilla and then you.