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Cockroaches (or shouldn't that be "henroaches"?) do not lay individual eggs. About 20 eggs are massed together in an egg case called an ootheka. If you crush the roach, the egg case may survive because the roach carries it around for a time as it hardens. If you don't crush the ootheka, it may eventually hatch. If the eggs are still inside the roach, they stand little chance of survival because they will rapidly dry out without the protection of the ootheka.

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Q: Is it true that if you stand on a cockroach it lays its eggs?
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Is a cockroach a true bug?

Yes, it is and it can withstand nuclear bombs but can be squashed by your foot easily.

What is the taxonomy of cockroach?

It depends on which species your talking about, some of the more common are: German Cockroach: Blattella germanica South American/Peruvian Dubia cockroach: Blaptica dubia Oriental cockroach: Blatta orientalis Asian cockroach: Blattella asahinai true death's head cockroach: Blaberus craniifer discoid or false death's head cockroach: Blaberus discoidalis Florida woods cockroach: Eurycotis floridana Madagascar hissing cockroach: Gromphadorhina portentosa Bark cockroach: Laxta granicollis Pennsylvania woods cockroach: Parcoblatta pennsylvanica American cockroach: Periplaneta americana Australian cockroach: Periplaneta australasiae black Mississippi cockroach: Periplaneta brunnea smokybrown cockroach: Periplaneta fuliginosa Surinam cockroach: Pycnoscelus surinamenisis brown-banded cockroach: Supella longipalpa

Is it true you cant kill a cockroach by force?

I'm pretty sure they die if you squish them with your foot.

How long if cockroach live in an air tight container?

don't know the exact answer, but it is true that a cockroach can live in any circumstances - even survive atom bombs.

Is the myth of balancing eggs on the equinox true?

Yes, it is true. The only thing is that the eggs need to be rotten.

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it does.