

Is it true that if you stay on a diet you can lose weight?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Yes. But avoid fad diets and extremes.

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Q: Is it true that if you stay on a diet you can lose weight?
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You become healthier, and lose weight. Although the above can be true (i left it there) it doesn't apply to someone who has anorexia

How do you reduce the fat from your thighs?

A common misconception is that you can lose weight from a specific area. This just isn't true. The only way you can lose weight from your thighs is just to diet and cardio. Your body will lose weight evenly all over your body, so just stick to the diet and it will eventually go away. If you want to tone up the area, do squats and lunges.

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Weight watchers or Jenny Craig are two very reliable sources to lose weight. Both plans will guide you in losing the desired weight in the amount time you need to.

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It is true that altering your diet can help improve your arthritis and gout. Decrease your meat intake and lose weight. You can get more tips at

Why do people on here say that even if you starve they still won't lose weight.. That is NOT true I know it's wrong to starve but stop lying Everyone knows that you will lose if you?

Because they don't want people to use starving as a diet.

Do you know where I can get a true treadmill for weight lose?

You can get a true treadmill from stores that sell fitness equipment and online at eBay or amazon. It helps you lose weight because you run and sweat a lot.

Has anyone heard of a weight loss spell?

Weight loss spells are basically you or someone else performing magic that helps you lose weight. These are baseless and, to my knowledge, have never worked. Examples include reciting a prose or taking a potion. We all know that these would be modern miracles if true, but unfortunately, the only real way to lose weight is healthy diet and exercise.

Choosing a Weight Loss Diet?

Here's an important tip for anyone who is looking to lose weight with a weight loss diet: Don't try to follow a plan that you don't enjoy following. It's true that you will need to exercise some restraint. Losing weight is hard work, but if you don't enjoy a single meal on your diet plan, you're not going to be able to stick to it. A weight loss diet that works is going to be one that you actually find rewarding in terms of taste in addition to the long term health benefits.

If you cut out all unhealthy foods for a month how much weight would you lose?

That depends on what you define as "unhealthy". Peopl cut out fats and sugar from their diet because they believe it is unhealthy; the opposite is true. You need those to do anything. To lose weight, you simply need to exercise more and consume slightly less.

Any good diet pill suggestions such as Diet fuel Hydroxycut or Xenedrine?

Diet pills are not a long term solution. While it's true that the FDA recently approved Alli for weight loss, no pill is a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise. If you do lose weight using a pill, you'll have to maintain your caloric intake and expenditure for LIFE, which involves remaining on a pill forever, or adopting a lifestyle of a healthy diet and regular exercise. There's no "easy" weight-loss solution.

Do south beach diet cookies help you lose weight?

As with any weight lossproduct available on the market, eating the product alone will not help you lose weight. This is true for the South Beach Diet cookies as well. The cookies can be used as part of a program, where eating moderate portions, combined with exercise, will result in weight loss. If you eat one or two cookies occasionally, you may take in less calories than eating one or two regular cookies. However if you eat the whole package in one sitting, the fact they are "diet" will make no weight loss difference, and you may ultimately end up with unexpected weight gain.

How can you be on a low carb diet and exercise everyday and not lose weight?

The true way to lose weight is to watch what you eat. If you do that even before excercising you will notice weight loss. 80% of weight loss contributes to eating well and only 20% to exercise. If you exercise religiously but eat poorly you will never get anywhere.