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No. It is a myth. The problem is your hormones and they will be with you for a long time. But your acne will get better as your body adjusts to the increased levels.

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Q: Is it true that if you take your first period and wipe it on your face you will never get acne again?
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Is acne common in pregnancy?

Actully YES, acne happens because of all the hormonal changes in your body when you are pregnant. Yes, I have never had acne and it was very rare for me to get even 1 pimple but from 5 weeks pregnant to around 11 weeks my face broke out terribly, but now it's all clear again. Once your body gets used to the hormones racing around, it should settle down. Ditto! Lots of acne near my chin and jaw line. Never had acne before until I was preganant, that was one of my first signs of pregancy.

Although it was nice to be a kid name something you never want to go through again?

school, puberty, acne and potty training

What is a acne scar?

acne may go after the usual period of sufferance, it nevertheless often leaves acne scars on the face of the sufferer

What leads to acne in teenagers?

you get your period and you change which is puberty

Does an acne breakout a week after period suggest pregnancy?

No, the fact that you had a period - suggests that you are not pregnant.

What should you think if you have had cramps which are now gone before and during your period but no bleeding occured and acne that you havn't had since you were a teenager yet test showed negative?

Even if a pregnancy test showed up negative, cramps and acne that randomly occur with a missed period could signal pregnancy. Wait a few days and then test again.

When does acne stop?

Acne never stops,It just gets more controllable and rarer over the years.

Who was the first to get acne?


Can you get acne when your nineteen and have never suffered before?

In short, Yes you can. In fact there has been a trend in recent years that more adults are experiencing acne even those who did not have any acne troubles in their teens.

What are the symptoms of ACNE?

well, you get acne for many reasons here are someoily skin (use an oil control lotion)period breakouts (nothing much you can do)wearing tight clothing when you are sweatingpicking at your face makes acne worse

Does Cole Sprouse have acne?

A little. He's got it very well under control though. And a little acne never hurt anyone. <3

How do you get rid of back acne in a few days?

You can't get rid of acne in such a short period of time. You can use body cleanser in the shower to treat the acne over time, and eat healthier to prevent future outbreaks. For women, birth control pills can also help to control hormonal acne.