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Q: Is it true that in 1250 people will run out of meat and have to eat bugs?
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Are Stink Bugs true bugs?

Yes it is and it smells bad.

Can vegtarians eat shrimp?

"True" vegetarians will not eat shrimp. "vegequarians" will eat fish, but no other meat (technically not veg) "flexetarians" are a joke Some people don't have a problem eating shrimp because, essentially, they are sea bugs like lobsters and crabs, and bugs do not generally get the same respect that "full sized" animals do.

What do people do in African rainforests?

they eat bugs and the rainforest buffalo and antalope. that info is true i am studing it

Do all people eat bugs?

People do eat flies since they have nutrients but they can carry diseases so be careful while eating them. For me, I would never eat them since I think eating them is gross and no offense to people who eat them.

Which creatures are called bugs?

The order Hemiptera is also referred to as the true bugs.

Where do true bugs live?

There are 50,000 to 80,000 species of true bugs and they vary in habits from species to species. So they can be found just about everywhere.

Why are milkweed bugs called true bugs?

because weed is true because its a plant and plants are real, amen praise the lord. x0x0

How do lady bugs reproduce?

by flying with wingsome people also say by walking and thats true but they mostly fly

Is a lady bug a true bug?

A ladybug is NOT a true bug. Reason, all true bugs have its own scientific and simple name. The bugs that are not truebugs, are bugs that have the "bug" in the name. Non-true bugs can have the "bug" separate from its first name. E.g.. lightning bug. Perhaps you were thinking of true flies versus the non-flies that consistently have "fly" attached to another part of their names.

What types of bugs do lions eat?

i dont think lions eat bugs this might not be true

If it is true that all bugs are insects but not all insects are bugs then which ones are considered bugs and why?

No. As odd as it may sound, the word "bug" is used scientifically to refer only to two suborders (Heteroptera and Homoptera) of the order Hemiptera. So cinch bugs, water bugs, bed bugs and cicadas are all "bugs", but lady bugs, potato bugs and doodlebugs, are not. However, the word has its legitimate non-scientific meaning referring to just about anything that crawls, creeps, wiggles or squirms, and so the scientific "bugs" are sometimes called "true bugs".

Many people say coca cola has the dark colour not from cramel but from sqaushed bugs is this true?

There are no squashed bugs in Coca-Cola. That has to be the silliest notion of all time. The coloring is from caramel and other ingredients.