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Not necessarily. If the highest object near an area where conditions are right for lightening happens to be a tree, it would likely strike that before it does say a fence post next to the tree. It can actually strike pretty much anything. It can say strike sand on a beach and there have been cases where the lightning turned it to "glass". It generally has to do with the electric field and charge build up of things in the area. As scientist have shown, a lightening "spark" starts in the sky and in many cases another "spark" leaps up from the ground to meet it. And of course there is also cloud-to-cloud lighning.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

No. A tall tree in an open area is much more likely to be hit. Lighning most often hits high objects. Iron is a good conductor and that is why lightning rods are made of it, but they attract lightning because they are put on top of houses, towers etc., making them the tallest/highest object in the area.

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โˆ™ 9y ago

Lightning is attracted by anything that is positively-charged, not just by metal. Here's a good link with some information from National Geographic.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, but it would have to be a significant amount of metal to alter your chance greatly.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

It turns into Magnet.

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โˆ™ 4y ago

because it is cunduive

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Q: Is it true that lightning is more likely to strike metal fence than a tall tree in the same area?
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Do trees attract lightning?

Actually, all trees attract lightning. They are tall and usually filled with moisture, thus providing a good electrical conducting path for lightning. Every day, thousands of trees are hit by lightning throughout the world. Past studies of the kinds of trees struck are complicated. It depends on tree height, the variety of trees present, and soil conditions. Overall, the oak tree appears to be most vulnerable: "Beware the oak; it draws the stroke." Oaks tend to be taller than the surrounding trees, thus attracting the lightning. They also have a high moisture content, which increases their ability to conduct the surge of electricity. When a tree is hit be lightning, most of the electrical charge moves through the outer, growing portion of the tree. This intense current can instantly vaporize sap into steam. As a result, the tree may violently split or even explode. About half of all trees struck by lightning survive for the moment. However, they are often weakened and made susceptible to future disease. A target tree is better off if struck after it has been thoroughly soaked by rain. Much of the electrical charge is then able to move safely down the outside surface moisture instead of through the internal tree. Source:

Why does lightning attract to metal?

Thunder is a shockwave; it only propagates in any direction it can. It doesn't technically attract to anything, but it will move toward areas with little or no resistance to its passing (open air as opposed to a hill, mountain or other major geographical feature).

What are ligthning do they function?

Lightning rods (metal pole or spike) are placed just above the highest point of a building. A metal cable or strap is attached to the rod, and the other end is buried in the ground. The idea is that a lightning strike will hit the rod and the electrical charge, instead of damaging the building, is led down the cable and is dissipated safely into the ground.

Why do you not take shelter under an umbrella with a metallic head during lightning?

because lightning atracts metal. so if lightning strikes your umbrella and you are touching the metal you may DIE.

Are metal roofs safe in a electrical storm?

Absolutely Not! Metal actually attracts lightning, so if you're on a metal roof during a thunderstorm, you are more venerable to be hit by lightning.

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Can lightning strike wet moving car's windshield?

It could, but it would be more likely to strike a metal part.

Where does lightning often strike?


What Lightning is more likely to strike a metal tower than a rubber hose because?

metal is a conductor and rubber is an insulator

Which is more likely to be hit by lightning a metal or a wooden boat why?

metal because lightning hits metal mostly

What do they use on building so lightning doesnt strike it?

Usally a metal rod on top of the buliding to attract the lightning

Can lightning strike a plastic wagon parked next to brick wall in between two residential houses 8 feet apart?

Yes it theoretically could, but it is very unlikely considering the amount of metal surrounding it. Because of the imbalance of charge, lightning is more likely to strike objects of metal, hence Benjamin Franklin's story of flying a kite with a key in a thunderstorm, and this also gives the reason why we have lightning rods.

Why does lighting strike antennas?

Lightning will always have a tendency to strike: 1) The highest object around, and 2) The easiest path to ground. A high, metal antenna is a perfect path for lightning.

Why does lightning not strike cars?

When it comes to lightning anything is possible, but it is highly unlikely. Lightning can for sure strike a car but as long as you are not touching any metal part of the car you are safe. Lighting will take the shortest path to ground and that is always metal not glass. I have never heard of lightning even breaking a sunroof. But with mother nature and the power of a lightning bolt anything is possible.

If you are in a lake can lightning strike a person?

Yes, and if you are in a metal boat in a lake even more so.

Why would standing on a beach make your body act like a lightning rod?

Answer: Well, you wouldn't. Lightning would most likely strike and injure or kill you. A lightning rod is a vertical pointed metal rod placed on the tops of buildings. They are connected by heavy wire to a good ground system buried in the ground, or perhaps grounded to the building's plumbing system. When lightning conditions exist, the lightning rod will draw off the electrical buildup, preventing a lightning strike from occurring. The building below the lightning rod is protected from lightning strikes, too.

What happens to the occupants of a metal-hulled boat when lightning strikes the water?

The occupants are at risk of electric shock if the lightning strike travels through the metal hull of the boat. It is safer for occupants to move to the center of the boat, away from metal surfaces, and avoid contact with any metal objects during a lightning storm.

Does lightning strike people with Harrington rods?

Lightening does occasionally strike people with Harrington rods. This is just the nature of carrying around a metal medical rod.