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Q: Is it true that multiprogramming system execute each job faster?
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What is the difference between batch processing and multiprogramming?

acc. to me,multiprogramming is based on system level and multitasking is based on user level.operating system can execute a program or application once at a means the code related to other applications would be stored in operating systems but it will activate when that particular application is activated by user. acc. to me,multiprogramming is based on system level and multitasking is based on user level.operating system can execute a program or application once at a means the code related to other applications would be stored in operating systems but it will activate when that particular application is activated by user. acc. to me,multiprogramming is based on system level and multitasking is based on user level.operating system can execute a program or application once at a means the code related to other applications would be stored in operating systems but it will activate when that particular application is activated by user.

What are 5 Classification of each operating system?

1. BATCH PROCESSING operating system 2. MULTIPROGRAMMING operating system 3. TIME SHARING operating system 4. REAL TIME operating system 5. DISTRIBUTED operating system

What about multiprogramming?

Multiprogramming is a rudimentary form of parallel processing in which several programs are run at the same time on a uniprocessor. Since there is only one processor, there can be no true simultaneous execution of different programs. Instead, the operating system executes part of one program, then part of another, and so on. To the user it appears that all programs are executing at the same time. If the machine has the capability of causing an interrupt after a specified time interval, then the operating system will execute each program for a given length of time, regain control, and then execute another program for a given length of time, and so on. In the absence of this mechanism, the operating system has no choice but to begin to execute a program with the expectation, but not the certainty, that the program will eventually return control to the operating system. If the machine has the capability of protecting memory, then a bug in one program is less likely to interfere with the execution of other programs. In a system without memory protection, one program can change the contents of storage assigned to other programs or even the storage assigned to the operating system. The resulting system crashes are not only disruptive, they may be very difficult to debug since it may not be obvious which of several programs is at fault.

Distinguish between multiprogramming and multi processing What are the key motivations of development of each?

Don't tell me what to do.

Differentiate between multiprocessing and multiprogramming?

Multiprocessing means the computer can do multiple processes parallel of each other (at the same time) with no performance degradation. Multiprogramming is an application that can be used to interface with different programming languages (java, C++, etc)

What is Partition Memory?

The first attempt to allow for multiprogramming used fixed partitions (also called static partitions) within the main memory-one partition for each job. Because the size of each partition was designated when the system was powered on, each partition could only be reconfigured when the computer system was shut down, reconfigured, and restarted. Thus, once the system was in operation the partition sizes remained static.

What is the key motivation for each developing multiprogramming and multiprocessing?

Elephant terrorists were attacking America so America invented the internet and multiprogramming. Multiprocessing was what they stole from the Elephants. The key motivation behind developing both these multi-technothingies was to avoid the elephants uprising.

What is multiprogramming directed by?

Multiprograming is way to run multi programs simultanteously.It give you feel that all your programs running simultaneously.For example windows is a multiprogramming environment in which you could run many programs simultaneously.Deep_viewActually,operating system create threads for each program you initiate.And according to prescribed algorithms,all threads get a prescribed time slot for each thread to executive.As the time slot is in millisecond user cant get the idea that one program stoped and anotherstart running.Turn by turnt

What is multiprogramming system?

multiprogrammingMultiprogramming is a rudimentary form of parallel processing in which several programs are run at the same time on a uniprocessor. Since there is only oneprocessor , there can be no true simultaneous execution of different programs. Instead, the operating system executes part of one program, then part of another, and so on. To the user it appears that all programs are executing at the same time.If the machine has the capability of causing an interrupt after a specified time interval, then the operating system will execute each program for a given length of time, regain control, and then execute another program for a given length of time, and so on. In the absence of this mechanism, the operating system has no choice but to begin to execute a program with the expectation, but not the certainty, that the program will eventually return control to the operating system.If the machine has the capability of protecting memory , then a bug in one program is less likely to interfere with the execution of other programs. In a system without memory protection, one program can change the contents of storage assigned to other programs or even the storage assigned to the operating system. The resulting system crashes are not only disruptive, they may be very difficult to debug since it may not be obvious which of several programs is At Fault.A Multi programming or Multi tasking Operating system is the one which is capable of running multiple processes or tasks, by sharing the common resources like CPU. These operating systems use the concepts task-scheduling and context-switching for implementing the multitasking ability.Task scheduling algorithms will identify the task to be run at a given time (time slice) and also which is the next task to run. These tasks will be queued for processing.Context switching is a process, to store and restore the state of a CPU. When a process is executed the state of the CPU with respect to that process will be restored and while completing the time slice, the present state will be stored.what is multiprogramming system in operating system?where more than one program can pe execute at one time

What are the differences between multitasking and multiprogramming?

Task is defined as a system program which consumes very less system resources(memory, CPU time, HD etc..).A task should have periodic activity and event based activity.Assume a printer which takes 10msec to print each line and you have fired a job to the printer.So the CPU should send every line with a 10msec gap. But transmitting a line to the printer is an output operation, which means the CPU has to execute some instrucions in order to transmit a line to the printer.Assume that the CPU takes 2usec to execute this. So this 2us is nothing but a sysem resource. So this is called as task since it is making less usage of system resource and it is periodic(every 10msec it has to execute instructions) and it is also event based(it has to check whether the printer is ON/OFF)Dos: Mutlitasking (can do printing and scanning simultaneously) but not multi programming(it can execute only one c/c++/java etc program in memory)Unix: Multiprograming and hence multi tasking.AnswerMultitasking and Multiprogramming: In multiprogramming, more than one program lies in the memory i.e. in terms of operating system, the schedular selects the jobs to be placed in ready queue from a number of programs. The ready queue is placed in memory and the existence of more than one program in main memory is known as multiprogramming.Example of multiprogramming, we open word, excel, access and other applications together but while we type in word other applications such as excel and access are just present in main memory but they are not performing any task or work. Or we can say that are not being used at the same time.Whereas multitasking means performing multiple tasks in parallel. Usually, CPU processes only one task at a time but the switching of CPU between the processes (also known as Context Switching) is so fast that it looks like CPU(or processor) is executing multiple processes at a time.Example of multitasking, we listen to music and do internet browsing at the same time (they execute parallely).Also a task (or process) is a part of program under execution. In other words, task is an active entity where as program is passive entity.

What is fixed partition memory?

The first attempt to allow for multiprogramming used fixed partitions (also called static partitions) within the main memory-one partition for each job. Because the size of each partition was designated when the system was powered on, each partition could only be reconfigured when the computer system was shut down, reconfigured, and restarted. Thus, once the system was in operation the partition sizes remained static.