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No. Nomads are people who are nomadic, which means someone who moves around from place to place and has no specific home.

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Q: Is it true that nomads are people who rely on finding plants and animals for food?
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What name was applied to the American Indians because they moved to follow the buffalo?

They were likely called Nomads being a people who traveled to locations at certain times of the year in order to kill the animals and forage for the plants that could be found in the area at that time.

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In the Paleolithich Age, people were known as nomads. Nomads moved form place to place as they followed animals. Nomads moved in groups, around 20-30 people each. Men tended to do the hunting while the women gathered berries, plants, grain. Nomads began to adopt to the enviornment around them. They made simple tools and weapons, with stone, bone, or wood. Despite the freezing teperature, nomads learned how to make clothing from animal skins. Nomads began their own religon. They believed in animism, the world full of spirts and forces that might reside in animals, objects, or dreams.

Why do animals and people defend on plants?

because the people wants a plants and plants give oxygen to people and the they can eat the plants,the people can smell like animals.

How many plants and animals are in the world?

currently it is impossible to know the exact number! It can only be guessed as we are always finding new plants and animals

Where did prehistoric people get their food?

they got their food by hunting animals and by finding plants around the place. if your looking for this question i think your in 6th grade are you?

Why do hunter gatherers move from place to place?

These people were nomads, and followed the food. Answer: The first people fed themselves by hunting and gathering fruits from plants. This required they move as the seasons changed to find available wild plants and game

What tools did nomads used?

The nomads would have used hunting tools such as bows and arrows and spears.They would hunt animals, and with their hides, they'd make clothes. The nomads would also gather plants such as berries and nuts, so they'd need something like a knife to cut with.

Why were early stone age people nomads?

Early Stone Age people were nomads because they relied on hunting and gathering for their survival. They needed to move from place to place in search of food resources, such as animals and plants. Nomadism allowed them to follow the migration of animals and the ripening of fruits, ensuring a consistent food supply. Additionally, their small population sizes and limited technology made it easier to adapt to changing environmental conditions by relocating.

Why did the nomads travel all the time?

Nomad's traveled in order to get food. As they were hunter-gatherers, they had to follow the migrating animals that they hunted, and the plants that only grow in season. If they had stayed in place, they would have starved from lack of game animals.

How did the Egyptians obtain food before domesticating plants and animals?

they were nomads and hunted and gathered foods while moving without staying in one place at a time.

What is in the grasslands?


What does water do for the environment?

Water provides for people, animals and plants. Plants use it to grow and people and animals use it so they will not get dehydrated.