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Q: Is it true that political parties bring together groups with similar goals and viewpoints?
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What do you call a group which supports its beliefs and candidates for office?

The most important organizations consisting of people who hold similar political beliefs are called POLITICAL PARTIES. However, there are numerous smaller local groups which are simply civil society or advocacy groups that are united by their political beliefs on one or more issues.

What is a group of artists with similar styles who have banded together?

Art Movement

Why are there republican primaries and democratic primaries instead of bipartisan primaries?

Good, insightful question; bipartisan means between two parties. Actually at the moment of primaries, in the United States, there are many parties. Don't forget the Green Party and the Libertarian Party and others. So your question can be stated as "Why can't I vote in any party at primary time or all the parties at primary time?" Primaries are held in accordance with rules that are established on a state level. Some states allow any voter to vote in any primary, while others require that only registered members of a given party can vote in the primary for that party. Political parties are associations. Physical groups of people who have similar political views. You can be a member of the group or you can be a member of a different group or you can be not a member of any group. But, logically, you can't be a member of all the groups and not a member of any group all at the same time. That is a tad inconsistent. In the United States of America political parties are actually state parties. We forget sometimes, especially when we elect the President of the United States, that if you are a Republican and live in Texas you are a member of the Texas Republican Party. If you are a Democrat and live in Louisiana you are a member of the Louisiana Democratic Party. You vote, in your state, to directly elect your congressman, your senator and state officials, but you vote only to elect the electors to the Electoral College who represent your state and go to a central location to cast ballots for the President of the United States. Primaries are a function of the political party. They are not a function of government (although they sure look like they are.) They are governed by State law, with a bit of national case law and constitutional influences (like you can't have an all white party no matter which state you live in.) But they are truly a function of a particular political party. Choose one and enjoy.

What is similar to a photo booth?

Nothing is similar to a photo booth.

What sport is capoeira similar to?

The use of sticks is similar to the Philipino art of Kali. And it is similar to fencing and sword work as well.

Related questions

It it TRUE Political parties bring together groups with similar goals and viewpoints?


Political parties bring together groups with similar goals and viewpoints?

true -jch

Representatives who share similar ideas on important issues join together in?

political parties--nova net

Groups that work for similar causes in politics?

political parties

How are political parties similar to the federal government?

Political parties are similar to the federal in various ways. The most common similarity is in the operations and administrative issues. The political party leader is runs the party as a federal government is run by the President.

In what ways are interest groups both similar and different from political parties?

Interest groups, like political parties, are centered on individuals with similar interests. Political parties, however, have much more public influence and are not necessarily about sharing interests as they are promoting those who share certain interests.

Why are political parties good?

Political parties can provide organized platforms for people with similar political beliefs to work together to achieve common goals. They help simplify complex issues by presenting voters with clear choices and options. Parties also promote accountability and transparency by providing a structure for candidates to be held responsible for their actions and policies.

Which of the following political parties holds beliefs most similar to that of laffer?

republican party

What is a well known function of political parties?

organizing and uniting the views of similar individuals

In what ways are interest groups both similar to and different from political parties?

Interest groups and political parties are similar in that they both seek to influence government decisions and policies. However, interest groups tend to focus on specific policy issues and cater to a narrower range of interests, while political parties have a broader ideological platform and compete to govern and hold political power. Interest groups also tend to advocate for specific causes, while political parties aim to win elections and govern.

How are political parties and groups similar?

They only area they are similar is that both are concerned with getting their issues passed or in front of the public.

Why did political parties develop so quickly in the American political system?

Frankly, because it is human nature for us to band together into like-minded groups. We seem to seek out similar individuals (however one wishes to define "similar") to bond and group with. Politics is no different than any other area in this respect. In retrospect, any period of ANY government form without some type of political parties should be considered an anomaly. Even in governments with only one political party (or systems which claim not to have any parties), a closer inspection will reveal groups which operate in a manner similar (or even indistinguishable) from a formal political party.