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republican party

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Q: Which of the following political parties holds beliefs most similar to that of laffer?
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What do you call a group which supports its beliefs and candidates for office?

The most important organizations consisting of people who hold similar political beliefs are called POLITICAL PARTIES. However, there are numerous smaller local groups which are simply civil society or advocacy groups that are united by their political beliefs on one or more issues.

Why are political parties good?

Political parties can provide organized platforms for people with similar political beliefs to work together to achieve common goals. They help simplify complex issues by presenting voters with clear choices and options. Parties also promote accountability and transparency by providing a structure for candidates to be held responsible for their actions and policies.

Groups that work for similar causes in politics?

political parties

How are political parties similar to the federal government?

Political parties are similar to the federal in various ways. The most common similarity is in the operations and administrative issues. The political party leader is runs the party as a federal government is run by the President.

In what ways are interest groups both similar to and different from political parties?

Interest groups and political parties are similar in that they both seek to influence government decisions and policies. However, interest groups tend to focus on specific policy issues and cater to a narrower range of interests, while political parties have a broader ideological platform and compete to govern and hold political power. Interest groups also tend to advocate for specific causes, while political parties aim to win elections and govern.

In what ways are interest groups both similar and different from political parties?

Interest groups, like political parties, are centered on individuals with similar interests. Political parties, however, have much more public influence and are not necessarily about sharing interests as they are promoting those who share certain interests.

What is an organization pf people with similar political beliefs and goals?

A political party - which if it is in power is called a government.

What is a group of people with similar political beliefs?

A group of people with similar political beliefs is called a political faction or a political party. Members of a political faction or party often share common goals, ideologies, and values, and work together to influence government policies and decision-making.

What are political party?

Like the left and right groupings i think x

What are the two major political parties in the U.S.?

The two major political parties in the United States are the Democrat Party and the Republican Party. In the political power structure in the USA, third parties have a short life and tend to divert votes from one of the major parties who have similar beliefs. This weakens the party closest to the 3rd party.

What is a well known function of political parties?

organizing and uniting the views of similar individuals

It it TRUE Political parties bring together groups with similar goals and viewpoints?
