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No. Pyroclastic flows are characteristic of explosive eruptions.

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Q: Is it true that pyroclastic flow typically occurs during a quiet eruption?
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Does a pyroclastic flow typically occur during a quiet or loud eruption?

Pyroclastic flow typically occurs during a violent eruption.

A pyroclastic flow typically occurs during a quiet eruption?

That is False. A pyroclastic Flow typically occurs during a explosive erupiton.

Does a pyroclastic flow typically occurs during an quite eruption?

No. A "quiet" eruption will produce lava flows. Pyroclastic flows generally result from explosive eruptions.

How are pyroclastic flows formed?

There are a number of ways in which pyroclastic flows occur and the first follows a Plinian eruption. If a fountain collapse of its eruption column occurs the jet is not able to heat the air sufficiently and lack of convection causes the plume to fall rather than shoot upward and flow down the mountain. The second is the same type of collapse after a vulcanian eruption in which a gas cloud is created that is denser than the air around it and this turns into a pyroclastic low. Other ways include a lava dome suffering a gravitational collapse, the mouth of a vent in a volcano frothing when the erupted lava degasses and when a section of a volcano collapses and a directional burst occurs.

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Pumice forms from the eruption of volcanoes. It occurs from hot pressurized rock that gets ejected from the volcano during eruption.

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Pumice forms from the eruption of volcanoes. It occurs from hot pressurized rock that gets ejected from the volcano during eruption.

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Does lightning come after or during a volcanoes and explain?

Lighting occurs during volcanic eruptions. It is a result of electrical charges separating as particles of volcanic ash collide in an eruption plume.

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Pahoehoe comes from an explosive eruption, whereas AA comes from quiet eruptions.

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Quickening typically occurs during the fourth or fifth month.