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Many years ago this was true.

Now there are areas of Russia that have such poor roads or no roads and special vehicals are required.

Now most cars are made of good enough steel that this is no longer an issue.

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Q: Is it true that russia is to cold that cars must be made of special steel that will not crack?
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Why do you use steel on cars?

Steel is still the material of choice because: Steel is not "STEEL" It comes in many strengths, hardnesses, crack and fatuige resistance types.

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While they were traditionally made of steel, modern cars have many special materials. For instance, the frames of some cars are now made super-light and strong carbon fiber.

Do Russia produce cars?

yes, but not famous cars.

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Only the fasteners, if they are not stainless steel. Fiberglass can get damaged from the sun, if not maintained. The gel coat will dry out crack and the resin will break down, it gets powdery.

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As of 01.01.2013 the number of cars in Russia amounted to 36.9 million. Thus, in Russia, every fourth person owns a car.

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Strength and price.

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joint supply is when the production of one good also results in the production of another. an example of this would be steel and cars. if there is more production of steel, there can be a greater production of cars, as steel is used in the manufacturing of cars.

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Steel is strong and durable. Steel is also easy to mold into different shapes. Cars are also being made out of aluminum, plastic, and carbon fiber.

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Stainless or galvanized steel

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