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Swelling is one of the four cardinal signs of inflammation (along with redness, heat, and pain), but not all swelling is due to inflammation.

But get it checked by a qualified doctor, just in case.

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Q: Is it true that swelling is sign of inflammation?
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Will arthritis cause swelling?

Arthritis is medically speaking, inflammation (swelling) of the joints.many forms of arthritis can cause inflammation and swelling at some time and many have their origin in inflammation. You would be more accurate in saying that arthritis is often accompanied by swelling or inflammation , however this is not always the case. It depends on the form of arthritis and at other times the stage it is at.

What specific sign of inflammation is the result of exudate in the tissue spaces?

Edema (Swelling).

What is imflammable sign?

A sign of inflammation is swelling, heat , and pain in the affected area. Treatment of inflammation is rest, NSAID's (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs), and ice.

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Which of these is the best definition for inflammation?

Redness and swelling.

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Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infection, but does not reduce swelling or inflammation in itself. If the swelling or inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, a doctor might prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection, but something else for the other effects.

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A red swelling of a body area.

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What is true about hepatitis b and a?

They are sometimes caused by a virus. They can be prevented with a vaccine. Hep A and B can cause swelling or inflammation, and possible damage, to the liver. Hepat= liver itis= swelling, inflammation Thus: hepatitis= swelling or inflammation of the liver. There is also Hep C which is very hard and in some cases impossible to cure, and Hep C has no vaccine. Fortunately it is more rare to contract Hep C (mostly IV drug users or unprotected anal sex).

What is the difference between swelling and inflammation?

Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury suffered by body tissue( muscle, tendon or ligament). Swelling is a cardinal sign of inflammation. Swellling is the build up of fluid in the interstitium( space surrounding cells - in this case, injured cells.), which is as a result of an osmotic pressure created by proteins moving into the interstitum (due to vasodilation: a process used by inflammation). Also note that if inflammation is not properly completed, the healing process( marked as the proliferative phase) cannot begin. Swelling should be prevented by wrapping the injured area and elevation of the injured area. Anti-inflammatory medication should not be used until inflammation has persisted for more than 10 days.

What is often the first symptom of inflammation?

Redness, Heat, and swelling. on the rite of the inflammation. accompanied by pain at times.

Can inflammation in your knee cause it not to bend properly?

Yes, inflammation in your knee can cause it not to bend properly. The inflammation and resultant swelling can impair movement.