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It is true that Roman churches switch the Sabbath to Sunday. This day is for God.

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Q: Is it true that the Roman Church switch the Sabbath to Sunday?
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Why is the Christian Sabbath different from the Jewish Sabbath?

Christians originally observed the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday. When the Roman emperor Constantine reversed the previous Roman policy of persecuting Christianity, and instead offered to sponsor the church (he saw it as a potential unifying and rallying force for the weakening Roman Empire), it was with the provision that they would change their worship day from Saturday to Sunday, which was the Romans' traditional day of worship. The Roman Christians considered traditional Jewish law to have been set aside, could not see any special or compelling reason to keep the traditional Sabbath, believed Jesus had risen from the tomb on a Sunday, and wanted to see their religion finally legitimized in the Empire, so they agreed to the change. Christians have largely observed the Sunday Sabbath ever since. Furthermore, the Catholic church claims, that she has by her "Divine Authority" changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Read the Convert's Catechism. They cahnged the Sabbath to allow the pagans who were comin ginto the church to feel comfortable and continue worshipping on the day of the Sun. The Catholic church also admits that there is NO biblical basis whatsoever for this change. If you are a Christian, and you are following the bible and the Bible alone, then you should be keeping the "Jewish" Sabbath, which is the Sabbath of all mankind.

Why does the Spanish calendar begin with Monday?

Because most Spanish-speaking countries are predominately Roman Catholic, and the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Sabbath is Sunday. But the Bible says the Sabbath is the seventh day. So in order to make Sunday the seventh day they start the calendars with Monday. So, why is Saturday in Spanish a cognate for Sabath? It is called Sabado.

Who moved the shabbat day of worship Saturday to Sunday?

The Roman Emperor Constantine changed the Christian Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday in 321 CE.

Is Romans a Catholic?

Roman Catholics are the sect of people who fall under the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of the pope. They believe in the Holy Trinity and Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. Sunday is the sabbath day for them and ought to attend the Eucharist on that day.

Why do churches close when Christmas falls on a Sunday?

Perhaps they do not know what the church is! My church meets every Sunday, including Christmas. Christmas was not practiced in the early church but was developed in and for the Roman Catholic Church.

Why is there no direct Scripture in the Bible that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday?

Roman Catholic AnswerBecause the Sabbath was NOT changed to Sunday. The Sabbath remains on Saturday, the last day of the week. Some of the Sabbath's observances have been changed to Sunday, for instance, a rest from servile labor, and the obligation to offer particular worship to God. But the change of the day of worship, and the obligations, as to rest and whatnot, are indicated by Jesus through His Church. The Scripture was never intended to be an all inclusive encyclopedia of Christian practice and belief. Even the Scripture clearly indicates that in numerous places. Jesus established His Church, and gave the command to go out and preach. No where he did indicate that they should sit down and write a Bible, the Bible was written as part of their preaching.So the change, as much as there was, was spelled out by the Church, not the Scripture; and by the very fact that Jesus fulfilled the old covenant and established the new covenant-which is defined and preached by the Church.

Can attendance at a Lutheran confirmation be used as a Roman Catholics Sun Mass obligation?

Absolutely not. Catholics are required to attend Sunday Mass at a Roman Catholic Church. Absolutely not. Catholics are required to attend Sunday Mass at a Roman Catholic Church.

What is the approximate date that the Roman Catholic Church started?

Pentecost Sunday in about the year 33 AD. is considered the birthday of the Catholic Church.

When the Roman Catholic first celebrate Easter Sunday?

The Catholic Church celebrated the first Easter Sunday the day that Our Blessed Lord rose from the dead, and every year after that. The Roman Church refers to the diocese of Rome, which was founded by St. Peter years later, it has always celebrated Easter Sunday since it's founding in the first century.

Why does the days of the week begin with Sunday?

In the Bible, in the Old Testament book of Genesis, it says God rested, after having created everything in six days, on the Sabbath, which was Saturday. That is where the idea of having Saturday as the seventh day originated, which would make Sunday the first day. Of course the names of the days were not the same in Hebrew as the ones we use now in English. Much later, in the Middle Ages, the only church that was legal was the Roman Catholic church. That church made the decision to start the days of the week with Sunday, because their day of worship was Sunday. It has remained the same since then, at least in European and English-speaking countries.

When do Catholics go to church?

Every sunday.Another Answer:Some Catholics go for mass every day, where as it is an obligation to go to mass on the Sabbath.

Why do protestants keep Sunday holy?

They keep Sunday holy because they received it from the Roman Catholic Church as a legacy of the traditions of men. The Catholic Church teaches that it was by their own authority that they changed the 3rd commandment (actually the 4th) to make Sunday 9the 1st day of the week) the replacement for Saturday (the 7th day). They rightly assert that one may search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in vain for a scriptural reference that sanctions the transfer of sanctity from the seventh-day Sabbath to Sunday. They ridicule Protestants who claim the Bible as their sole authority for such inconsistency in so following their tradition above the Bible.