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Christians originally observed the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday. When the Roman emperor Constantine reversed the previous Roman policy of persecuting Christianity, and instead offered to sponsor the church (he saw it as a potential unifying and rallying force for the weakening Roman Empire), it was with the provision that they would change their worship day from Saturday to Sunday, which was the Romans' traditional day of worship.

The Roman Christians considered traditional Jewish law to have been set aside, could not see any special or compelling reason to keep the traditional Sabbath, believed Jesus had risen from the tomb on a Sunday, and wanted to see their religion finally legitimized in the Empire, so they agreed to the change. Christians have largely observed the Sunday Sabbath ever since.

Furthermore, the Catholic church claims, that she has by her "Divine Authority" changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Read the Convert's Catechism. They cahnged the Sabbath to allow the pagans who were comin ginto the church to feel comfortable and continue worshipping on the day of the Sun. The Catholic church also admits that there is NO biblical basis whatsoever for this change. If you are a Christian, and you are following The Bible and the Bible alone, then you should be keeping the "Jewish" Sabbath, which is the Sabbath of all mankind.

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Q: Why is the Christian Sabbath different from the Jewish Sabbath?
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The Sabbath is the Jewish day of rest corresponding to the Christian Sunday. The Jewish Sabbath is from Friday sundown until Saturday after dark.

What are the differences between suday and sabbath?

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The Jewish sabbath is on Saturday. Jesus Christ came back to life on a Sunday. This is why the Christian sabbath is on Sunday.

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Any Christian, Jewish, or Muslim religion is suppose to practice the Sabbath even if not all of its memebers do.

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Yes and no. The Jewish word for Sabbath is "Shabbat." Christians just say Sabbath.

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Saturday is the Sabbath and the Jewish day of rest, no work is allowed to be done on the Sabbath.

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No. The sabbath is the Jewish day of rest.

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The Jewish people keep their sabbath on saturday, Christians keep it on Sunday. the day God took rest after creating the world. Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century commanded that all must now keep the day of The Sun. He was a sun worshiper. So to please the Romans they merge the two religion. They changed the day of the Sabbath and they introduced the trinity to the religion of Jesus Christ.

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The Jewish Sabbath was Saturday, however the Sabbath began Friday with sundown and ended Saturday with sundown. Sunday became the Christian day of worship because Sunday is the day Christ rose from the dead. Catholics have retained the Jewish custom of the Sabbath beginning the day before sundown. Thus for Catholics "Sunday" (the Sabbath) technically begins on Saturday evening with sundown, and ends Sunday with sundown.

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