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Q: Is it true that the last election based on the old elitist political system was the four-way presidential campaign of 1824?
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How did Jackson appeal to voters in his election campaign of 1828?

he was for the "common man"but to Jackson the common man was a middle class white mansince he opposed Indians and was a proponent for slavery

Are the Illuminati elitist or pluralist?

Neither. That which does not exist cannot have a political perspective.

When a political scientist argues that only a small number of people hold power in a society she is arguing?

The elitist theory is the prominent theory on small groups of people holding power.

Which party favored a ruling elite?

The Federalist Party was probably the most elitist US political party.

Who was the first Whig president?

== == The first Whig president, William Henry Harrison, was elected. Harrison ran a "log cabin" campaign, arguing that Democrats were too elitist and promising to return political power to the common citizens (like those who lived in log cabins).

What is an elitst theory?

An elitist theory believes that a small, wealthy group has the majority of the political power in a country. Political leaders are chosen from this small, close-knit group.

Theories that only a small number of people hold power are called theories.?


Theories argue that only a small number of people hold power in a society?

Elitist -Apex

What is the difference between majoritarian politics and elitist politics?

The answer lies in who is deciding the political discourse of the state. In a Majoritarian model, the people make decisions through majority rule. In an Elitist model, however, the political decision making power rests in the hands of a small group that are deemed superior in either wealth, education, heritage, or all of the above.

Four major variants of elitist political theory?

the divine right theory the evolutionary theory the social contract theory the force theory

How effective were the SS?

they were very effective, they seemed to be that much better at what they did than their non-political counterparts, this is probably because they were elitist and had strict recruitment criteria.

How do you use elitist in a sentence?

The elitist attitude of the country club members made outsiders feel unwelcome.