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Q: Is it true that the value of standard unit of a physical quantity does not change with place or time?
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What is the need for measurement of physical quantity?

We come across many things in our daily life that we need to measure. To go to the market in a rickshaw or a taxi we must know its approximate distance from our house. Only then would we have an idea of the expected fare. Similarly, to buy a cloth for our clothes, we should know the approximate length of cloth required. In certain cases we need to know exact values. For example, when we have to buy a pair of shoes, we require the exact size, or when we go to the tailor also requires the exact measurements. Any quantity that we study in physics is known as a physical quantity. Measurement of a physical quantity means comparing it with a known standard quantity. Each accepted standard quantity is a standard of measurement. It is called a unit.The measurement of a particular quantity is the same at all places and at all times. For this purpose, scientists have introduced some standard units for making physical measurements. The standard unit of a physical quantity should have the following characteristics.Fistly it is of a convinient size and secondly Its value dies not change with respect to place or time. A measurement consists of two parts-the magnitude and the units. For example, the length of a cloth is 5 meters. It means that 5 is the magnitude and meter is the standard unit. The study of physics involves measurement of various types. This is why physics is called the science of measurement. To make measurement more scientific, convenient and uniform, in 1791 the French Academy of Science devised the metric system based on the decimal system. In October 1990, the 11th General Conference of Weight and Measures adopted an international system of units known as the SI system of units.

Why does a beam balance measure mass?

Beam balance measure mass by comparing unknown quantity with known standard quantity of mass.Beam balance measure accurate quantity of matter present in that body .Quantity measured by beam balance doesn't differ in any place of world either in poles or equator but measuring scale quantity differ in different places

What is distance and dispalacement?

Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to "how much ground an object has covered" during its motion. Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to "how far out of place an object is"; it is the object's overall change in position.

When you tear a piece of paper what type of change takes place?

Tearing a piece of paper is a physical change.

What suggests that a physical change has taken place in a ice cube?

You will see that it has begun to melt.

Related questions

Is a price of an oil container a physical quantity?

No. A Physical quantity is the one which can be measured. Further, the measured value will not change if the measurement is carried out at different places under the similar physical conditions. Here, the price of the oil container is fixed (not measured ) by the company and it may vary from place to place. -Prakash Landge, India.

How do you know when a physical change is taking place?

The best way to know when a physical change is taking place is to observe. There will be a visible change in physical changes.

What kind of change has taken place when you sharpen a pencil?

That is a physical change. The is no chemical change that takes place when you sharpen your pencil in a standard manner. I suppose if you sharpen it extremely fast, you could catch the pencil on fire, which would then be a chemical change.

Is putting pottery in heated place a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change

When boiling take place is the phase change a chemical or physical change?

Boiling is a physical change.

What condition are needed for the physical change to take place?

A change in the physical environment - a change in temperature or pressure

Why are variables used in expressions?

They take the place of an unknown quantity. They can change values, thus they are called variables, their quantity varies.

What is joules to the decimal place?

A decimal representation does not imply a change in the measurement units. So a quantity of joules, to the [unspecified] decimal place is still a quantity of joules. If this is required then you need to specify the units into which the quantity is to be converted.

What is need for measurement of physical quantity?

We come across many things in our daily life that we need to measure. To go to the market in a rickshaw or a taxi we must know its approximate distance from our house. Only then would we have an idea of the expected fare. Similarly, to buy a cloth for our clothes, we should know the approximate length of cloth required. In certain cases we need to know exact values. For example, when we have to buy a pair of shoes, we require the exact size, or when we go to the tailor also requires the exact measurements. Any quantity that we study in physics is known as a physical quantity. Measurement of a physical quantity means comparing it with a known standard quantity. Each accepted standard quantity is a standard of measurement. It is called a unit.The measurement of a particular quantity is the same at all places and at all times. For this purpose, scientists have introduced some standard units for making physical measurements. The standard unit of a physical quantity should have the following characteristics.Fistly it is of a convinient size and secondly Its value dies not change with respect to place or time. A measurement consists of two parts-the magnitude and the units. For example, the length of a cloth is 5 meters. It means that 5 is the magnitude and meter is the standard unit. The study of physics involves measurement of various types. This is why physics is called the science of measurement. To make measurement more scientific, convenient and uniform, in 1791 the French Academy of Science devised the metric system based on the decimal system. In October 1990, the 11th General Conference of Weight and Measures adopted an international system of units known as the SI system of units.

What is the need for measurement of physical quantity?

We come across many things in our daily life that we need to measure. To go to the market in a rickshaw or a taxi we must know its approximate distance from our house. Only then would we have an idea of the expected fare. Similarly, to buy a cloth for our clothes, we should know the approximate length of cloth required. In certain cases we need to know exact values. For example, when we have to buy a pair of shoes, we require the exact size, or when we go to the tailor also requires the exact measurements. Any quantity that we study in physics is known as a physical quantity. Measurement of a physical quantity means comparing it with a known standard quantity. Each accepted standard quantity is a standard of measurement. It is called a unit.The measurement of a particular quantity is the same at all places and at all times. For this purpose, scientists have introduced some standard units for making physical measurements. The standard unit of a physical quantity should have the following characteristics.Fistly it is of a convinient size and secondly Its value dies not change with respect to place or time. A measurement consists of two parts-the magnitude and the units. For example, the length of a cloth is 5 meters. It means that 5 is the magnitude and meter is the standard unit. The study of physics involves measurement of various types. This is why physics is called the science of measurement. To make measurement more scientific, convenient and uniform, in 1791 the French Academy of Science devised the metric system based on the decimal system. In October 1990, the 11th General Conference of Weight and Measures adopted an international system of units known as the SI system of units.

What part of a burning candle takes place and physical change?

The melting of the wax is a physical change. The burning the of wick is the chemical change

Are clouds a physical or chemical change?

Physical because no reaction is taking place.